course information of 103 - 2 | 6239 Theory of International Finance(國際金融理論)

Taught In English6239 - 國際金融理論 Theory of International Finance

教育目標 Course Target

本課程乃係「延續」賴景昌教授所著的「國際金融理論:基礎篇」(2007,第 2 版)大學部教科書設計而來,由於在此本「基礎篇」書中,已經針對基本的國際金融內容 : (1)各種匯率制度的介紹 (2)外匯市場與貶值效果 (3)開放總體經濟架構的建立 (4)開放經濟總體經濟政策的相對有效性(relative effectiveness)【即著名的Mundell-Fleming命題】 (5)各種匯率制度的比較與抉擇 (6) 匯率動態調整簡介 (7) 匯率目標區簡介等課題 做了清楚與概要的陳述,故而本課程將以此本「基礎篇」書中的內容做為基礎,進而「延續」介紹賴景昌教授所著的「國際金融理論:進階篇」(1994)研究所的教科書內容 ; 以期望學生對於 : (1)外匯市場的各項實務操作 (2)各種匯率制度運作的認識與了解 (3)匯率動態調整理論 (4)開放經濟宣示效果(announcement effect)對相關重要總體經濟變數有何種動態影響 (5)匯率體制的變革(exchange regime reform)【包含匯率制度變遷(the exchange regime switching)與匯率制度崩潰 (the exchange regime collapse)】對相關重要總體經濟變數有何種動態影響 (6)中央銀行訂定匯率的目標區(the exchange rate target zone)「包含早期的Bretton Woods Agreement 與Smithsonian Agreement和European Monetary System」對匯率的動態調整有何影響等課題,有深入一層的認識與了解。This course is designed by the "Extended" of the Ministry of Education and Science Book of the University of "International Financial Theory: Basics" (2007, 2nd Edition) written by Professor Xu Jingchang. Since the basic content of international finance has been highlighted in this "Basics" book: (1) Introduction to various exchange rate systems (2) Foreign exchange market and value effect (3) Establishment of open overall economic structure (4) Relative effectiveness of opening up the overall economic policy [that is, the famous Mundell-Fleming topic] (5) Comparison and decision of various exchange rate systems (6) Introduction to dynamic adjustment of exchange rate (7) Introduction to the exchange rate target area and other course topics After clearly and outlined, this course will use the contents of this "Basics" book as the basis, and then "continue" to introduce the contents of the textbooks of the Institute of International Financial Theory: Advanced Edition (1994) written by Professor Jingchang; to expect students to consider: (1) Various practical operations in foreign exchange market (2) Awareness and understanding of the operation of various exchange rate systems (3) Commentary on dynamic adjustment of exchange rate (4) What are the dynamic effects of opening up economic announcement effect on the relevant important overall economic changes? (5) Exchange regime reform [including the exchange regime switching and the collapse of the exchange regime (the exchange regime collapse)】What dynamic impact does it have on the relevant important overall economic variables (6) The exchange rate target zone "includes the early Bretton Woods Agreement and Smithsonian There is a deeper understanding and understanding of the topics such as Agreement and European Monetary System.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程乃係延續經濟學系大學部四年級的「國際金融理論」這門課程進行設計而來,課程內容涵蓋了外匯市場的各項實務操作、各種匯率制度運作的認識與了解、匯率的動態調整(dynamic adjustment)、宣告效果(announcement effect)、匯率制度變遷(the exchange regime switching)、匯率制度崩潰(the exchange regime collapse)、資產組合平衡模型分析(the portfolio balance approach)、雙元匯率制度:動態層面的分析、黑市外匯市場、開放經濟:最適控制模型的應用、匯率目標區(the exchange rate target zone)、通貨與金融危機(currency and financial crises)等課題,以做為本所學生修完總體經濟理論必修課程後,供學生選擇的一門總體經濟理論相關選修課程。
This course is designed to continue the fourth-year "International Financial Theory" course in the Department of Economics. The course includes the various practical operations in the foreign exchange market, the recognition and understanding of the operation of various exchange rate systems, dynamic adjustment of exchange rate, announcement effect, the exchange rate switching, and the exchange rate system collapse. collapse), asset combination balance approach, dual exchange rate system: dynamic level analysis, black market foreign exchange market, open economy: the most suitable control model application, exchange rate target zone, currency and financial Crises and other subjects are used to prepare a course for students to choose from forum for economics and economics.

參考書目 Reference Books

Textbook: 1.賴景昌:國際金融理論-進階篇(1994),台北茂昌圖書有限公司。
Textbook: 1.Zhen Jingchang: International Financial Theory - Advanced Edition (1994), Taipei Maochang Book Co., Ltd.
2. Other auxiliary teaching materials.
3.Syllabus course 1 will be held.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final exam
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,Friday/2[SS422]
授課教師 Teacher:廖培賢
修課班級 Class:經濟碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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