course information of 103 - 2 | 6102 International Finance and Investment(國際投資決策)

Taught In English6102 - 國際投資決策 International Finance and Investment

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標在孕育學生前瞻性的全球化思考,訓練理論與實務融會貫通的能力,培養學生宏觀視野,使同學了解全球化浪潮下的企業經營管理及政府政策內涵,提高經營管理者在全球市場的觀察力及分析能力。 1.瞭解企業所處的國際金融環境與制度之現況。 2.瞭解如何因應與管理所面臨的外匯、經濟與會計等風險。 3.瞭解國際金融市場以及各種國際融資工具。 4.瞭解如何制訂國際投資決策與營運資金管理政策。 5.瞭解大陸投資決策相關議題。 6.瞭解不同區域、產業之投資佈局與決策。The goal of the course is to cultivate students' forward-looking global thinking, train their ability to integrate theory and practice, cultivate students' macro vision, enable students to understand the connotation of business management and government policies under the wave of globalization, and improve managers' observation of the global market. and analytical skills. 1. Understand the current status of the international financial environment and systems in which enterprises operate. 2. Understand how to respond to and manage the foreign exchange, economic and accounting risks faced. 3. Understand the international financial market and various international financing tools. 4. Understand how to formulate international investment decisions and working capital management policies. 5. Understand issues related to mainland investment decision-making. 6. Understand the investment layout and decision-making of different regions and industries.

課程概述 Course Description

The course understands global economic trends from a macro perspective. Through the introduction of financial current affairs, it discusses the background and logic of government policies on important issues in the world economy, and provides reference for personal investment, financial management and corporate decision-making. The course will review and analyze current general economic and financial issues, policies and events through national economic cases, such as the United States, Europe, Japan, China and emerging market economies. The content includes: interest rates, exchange rates, and asset prices in the global economy. ; The causes and consequences of trade surplus and deficit and external imbalances; emerging market economic and financial crises; currency, banking and financial crises; short-term and long-term effects of monetary and fiscal policies; emerging market external debts and their adjustment attempts; globalization of financial markets. Learn how to make international investment decisions and working capital management policies. These topics are integrated into a theoretical framework by emphasizing the environmental factors considered in international investment decisions.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 謝劍平,國際財務管理:跨國企業之價值創造(二版),智勝,2012年
2. 鍾惠民,財務管理個案:策略與分析(二版) ,新陸書局,2012年
3. 杜震華 (2010),《世界經濟導論:全球化的生產與貿易》,台北:普林斯頓。
4. 貨幣戰爭(全四冊)/ 宋鴻兵
5. 經濟殺手的告白
6. 金融的邏輯
7. 華爾街2-金錢遊戲
8. 大國崛起 (中國央視影集)8.《誰來拯救全球經濟? 商周出版@2012.09.08,ISBN:978986272226
9. 大資金潮:大前研一預言新興國家牽動的經濟新規則
10. 看懂世界經濟的第一本書:今天起不再怕看國際財經新聞 (2010) 梁世英譯 如果出版社
11. 歐債危機的第一本書 (2012), 何棟欽 博雅書屋 2012/9/25
12. 全球經濟這樣看 (2012), 梁國源 天下文化2012/2/29
1. Xie Jianping, International Financial Management: Value Creation of Multinational Enterprises (Second Edition), Zhisheng, 2012
2. Zhong Huimin, Financial Management Cases: Strategy and Analysis (Second Edition), Xinlu Book Company, 2012
3. Du Zhenhua (2010), "Introduction to the World Economy: Globalized Production and Trade", Taipei: Princeton.
4. Currency War (four volumes)/Song Hongbing
5. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
6. The logic of finance
7. Wall Street 2-Money Game
8. The Rise of Great Powers (China CCTV Series) 8. "Who Will Save the Global Economy?" Shangzhou Publishing@2012.09.08, ISBN: 978986272226
9. Big Fund Tide: Kenichi Ohmae predicts new economic rules influenced by emerging countries
10. The first book to understand the world economy: No longer afraid of reading international financial news from today (2010) Translated by Liang Shiying If Publishing House
11. The first book on the European debt crisis (2012), He Dongqin Boya Bookstore 2012/9/25
12. This is how the global economy looks (2012), Liang Guoyuan Tianxia Culture 2012/2/29

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance results
Discuss in class
Mid-term special report
Final special report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/2,3,4[M243]
授課教師 Teacher:王凱立/李芳信/林逸倫
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:週末班優先選課;限碩專班生
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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