course information of 103 - 2 | 6086 Managerial Accounting(管理會計)

Taught In English6086 - 管理會計 Managerial Accounting

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的教學目的在探討如何透過各種財務(含成本)及非財務資訊之蒐集、衡量和評估,發揮管理會計人員在經營團隊中扮演創造附加價值、提昇經營績效和協助制定及執行具有競爭優勢策略的角色。The purpose of this course is to explore how management programmers can play a role in creating additional value, improving operating performance and assisting in formulating and executing competitive strategies through the collection, measurement and evaluation of various financial (including cost) and non-financial information.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程教學目的在探討:如何透過各種財務(含成本)及非財務資訊之搜集、衡量和評估,讓管理會計人員在經營團隊中,扮演好發揮創造附加價值、提昇經營績效和協助制定及執行具競爭優勢策略的角色。課程內容主要從作業基礎成本法(Activity-based Costing)、作業基礎管理(Activity-based Management)和平衡計分卡 (Balanced Scorecard)等議題切入,探討管理會計之相關主題及管理會計在實務上之應用。
The purpose of this course is to explore: how to collect, measure and evaluate various financial (including costs) and non-financial information, so that management accountants can play a role in developing additional value, improving operating performance, and assist in formulating and implementing competitive advantages in the team. The course content mainly starts from the topics of the operation-based costing method, the operation-based management (Activity-based Management) and the Balanced Scorecard, and explores the relevant topics of the management conference and the practical application of the management conference.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Noreen, Garrison, and Brewer. 2014. Management Accounting for Managers, 3/e ;
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
2. Atkinson, Kaplan, Matsumura and Young. 2012. Management Accounting.
Pearson Education Limited Publishing.
3. 劉順仁,2006,管理要像一部好電影,台北: 時報文化。
4. 劉順仁,2008,決勝:在看不見的地方,台北: 時報文化。
5. 江裕真譯,林總著,2012,壽司幹嘛轉來轉去?財務快易通,你一定要會的財務知識,大牌出版社。
6. 江裕真譯,林總著,2012,壽司幹嘛轉來轉去?第2彈-管理會計入門,解救你的數字危機!,大牌出版社。
7. 江裕真譯,林總著,2012,壽司幹嘛轉來轉去?第3彈-現金流量不會說謊!,大牌出版社。
1. Noreen, Garrison, and Brewer. 2014. Management Accounting for Managers, 3/e ;
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
2. Atkinson, Kaplan, Matsumura and Young. 2012. Management Accounting.
Pearson Education Limited Publishing.
3. Liu Tongren, 2006, Management should be like a good movie, Taipei: Time Culture.
4. Liu Fengren, 2008, Decision: In a place where you can’t see, Taipei: Time Culture.
5. Jiang Yuzhenlu, General Lin, 2012, how can the saviors transfer? Financial fast and easy to connect, you must know financial knowledge, big-name publishing houses.
6. Jiang Yuzhenlu, General Lin, 2012, What is the reign of the sect? The second round - Management meeting is included to save your digital crisis!, Big Brand Publishing House.
7. Jiang Yuzhenlu, written by Lin, 2012, is the savior who is transferred? No. 3 - Cash flow is not entitled!, Big Brand Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
50 (分組報告與個案)
Class Participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/11,12,13[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:李秀英/劉俊儒
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 8 人。

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