1. 瞭解國際公司治理發展現況。
2. 探討公司治理與企業社會責任相關議題。
3. 強調倫理道德在公司治理上之重要性。
4. 訓練碩士班研究生獨立研究和論文寫作的能力。1. Understand the current development status of international corporate governance.
2. Discuss issues related to corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.
3. Emphasize the importance of ethics in corporate governance.
4. Train master’s degree graduate students in their independent research and thesis writing abilities.
1. 公司與公司治理
2. 公司治理的倫理議題
3. 高階經理的激勵
4. 董事會功能
5. 股東與股東積極主義
6. 企業公民與社會責任
7. 新治理規則
8. 資訊揭露與透明度
9. 會計師與審計人員
10. 投資銀行與證券分析師
11. 債權人與信用評等機構
The main purpose of this course is to explore:
Issues related to corporate governance and social responsibility and the current development status of international corporate governance.
The main content of the course covers:
1. Corporations and Corporate Governance
2. Ethical issues in corporate governance
3. Incentives from senior managers
4. Board functions
5. Shareholders and shareholder activism
6. Corporate Citizenship and Social Responsibility
7. New governance rules
8. Information disclosure and transparency
9. Accountants and auditors
10. Investment Banking and Securities Analysts
11. Creditors and credit rating agencies
教 材:
1. 金(K. A. Kim)、納夫辛格(J. R. Nofsinger),2007,公司治理,邱慈觀編譯,台北:台灣培生教育。
2. 陳春山,2008,企業社會責任及治理-CSR策略實務手冊,證券暨期貨市場發展基金會。
3. 錢為家,2009,企業社會責任實務全書,商周出版。
1. 葉銀華、李存修、柯承恩,2002,公司治理與評等系統,台北:商智文化。
2. 賴英照,2007,賴英照說法-從內線交易到企業社會責任,台北:聯經。
3. 孫震,2009,企業倫理與企業社會責任,台北:天下遠見。
4. 吳成豐,2010,企業倫理的實踐,3版,台北:前程企管。
5. 隨堂分發講義
1. K. A. Kim and J. R. Nofsinger, 2007, Corporate Governance, compiled by Qiu Ciguan, Taipei: Pearson Education Taiwan.
2. Chen Chunshan, 2008, Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance-CSR Strategy Practice Manual, Securities and Futures Market Development Foundation.
3. Qian Weijia, 2009, A Complete Book of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices, published by Shangzhou.
Reference books:
1. Ye Yinhua, Li Cunxiu, and Ke Chengen, 2002, Corporate Governance and Rating System, Taipei: Shangzhi Culture.
2. Lai Yingzhao, 2007, Lai Yingzhao’s Statement-From Insider Trading to Corporate Social Responsibility, Taipei: Lianjing.
3. Sun Zhen, 2009, Corporate Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Taipei: Tianxia Vision.
4. Wu Chengfeng, 2010, The Practice of Corporate Ethics, 3rd edition, Taipei: Qiancheng Enterprise Management.
5. Distribute handouts in class
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 class participation |
30 | 課堂出席率及課堂表現 |
口頭及書面報告口頭及書面報告 Oral and written reports |
70 |