course information of 103 - 2 | 5826 Seminar on Green Production and Consmption(綠色生產與消費專題)

Taught In English5826 - 綠色生產與消費專題 Seminar on Green Production and Consmption

教育目標 Course Target

Students will develop mathematical (economic) modeling techniques and solution methods which often serve as an explaining to green management. Case studies will be also used to develop students’ expertise in using and solving cases to understand the principles behind problems, the interconnections between the natural environment, social institutions and the green workings of our economic system.Students will develop mathematical (economic) modeling techniques and solution methods which often serve as an explaining to green management. Case studies will be also used to develop students’ expertise in using and solving cases to understand the principles behind problems, the interconnections between the natural environment, social institutions and the green workings of our economic system.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程主要係介紹目前全球在面對氣候變遷等環境問題下,發展出之綠色經濟趨勢,以及台灣在因應此一趨勢下可扮演的角色。 在本課程中,我們以三大主題單元勾勒出人們為了解決上述資源與環境的問題,所發展出之綠色經濟趨勢,以及其對產業可能帶來的挑戰以及現況。第一單元為綠色經濟的定義及緣由。第二單元則說明在「綠色經濟」與「綠色新政」的全球趨勢之下,企業應如何趁勢而起,把握綠色商機?第三單元主要是對於我國綠色產業發展現況的介紹,其中包括綠建築、綠色能源、資源回收等我國目前具競爭優勢之現況。
This course mainly introduces the green economic trends that the world has developed under the face of climate change and other environmental problems, as well as the role that Taiwan can play in response to this trend. In this course, we use three themes to outline the green economic trends developed by people to understand the problems that determine the above resources and environment, as well as the challenges and current situations that may pose to their industry. The first unit is the definition and origin of green economy. The second unit explains how companies should take advantage of the global trends of "green economy" and "green new policy" to seize green business opportunities? The third unit is mainly an introduction to the current development of green industry in my country, including green buildings, green energy, resource recycling and other current competitive advantages in my country.

參考書目 Reference Books

Scott J. Callan and Janet M. Thomas (2013), Environmental Economics & Management: Theory, Policy and Applications, South-Western, (International Edition, 6th edition), 滄海代理.
Robert Dahlstrom (2010), Green Marketing Management (1st), Cengage Learning.
Scott J. Callan and Janet M. Thomas (2013), Environmental Economics & Management: Theory, Policy and Applications, South-Western, (International Edition, 6th edition), Shiphai Agent.
Robert Dahlstrom (2010), Green Marketing Management (1st), Cengage Learning.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Teacher Yang Putai
Teacher Huang Zhiqiu

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[M479]
授課教師 Teacher:楊溥泰/黃志璿
修課班級 Class:企管碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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