在工業工程領域中,常見許多最佳化的問題可以運用線性規劃(Linear Programming)解法,提供經理人重要的決策參考。本課程以討論數理規劃相關的理論與應用。其範圍包含線性規劃、非線性規劃、啟發式技術規劃。In the field of industrial engineering, many common optimization problems can be solved using linear programming (Linear Programming), providing important decision-making reference for managers. This course discusses the theories and applications related to mathematical programming. Its scope includes linear programming, nonlinear programming, and heuristic technical programming.
在工業工程領域中,常見許多最佳化的問題可以運用線性規劃(Linear Programming)解法,提供經理人重要的決策參考。本課程以討論數理規劃相關的理論與應用。其範圍包含線性規劃、非線性規劃、啟發式技術規劃。
In the field of industrial engineering, many common optimization problems can be solved using linear programming (Linear Programming), providing important decision-making reference for managers. This course discusses the theories and applications related to mathematical programming. Its scope includes linear programming, nonlinear programming, and heuristic technical programming.
Winston, W. L. & Venkataramanan, M , Introduction to Mathematical Programming, Operations Research: Volume One, 4th ed., 2003, Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning.
Winston, W. L. & V. N. Taraman, M., Introduction to mathematical programming, operations research: volume one, 4the., 2003, Brooks/Cole-Thomson learning.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂報告與作業課堂報告與作業 Class reports and assignments |
40 | 報告頻率視選課人數彈性調整 |
考試考試 exam |
50 | 期中與期末考 |
到課及學習態度到課及學習態度 Attendance to class and learning attitude |
10 | 到課率及課堂討論參與 |