course information of 103 - 2 | 5566 Research Method for Business Management(經營管理分析方法)

Taught In English5566 - 經營管理分析方法 Research Method for Business Management

教育目標 Course Target

介紹討論經營管理分析方法之概念,培養學生於經營管理分析中實驗與調查、定性研究、文獻探討、個案研究、多變量分析...之基本能力。Introduce the concept of business management analysis methods, and cultivate students' basic abilities in practice and investigation, qualitative research, literary exploration, case research, multi-variable analysis... in business management analysis.

課程概述 Course Description

1. 人因工程研究方法 2. 定性研究數值化 3. 利用文獻探討處理歸因研究 4. 個案研究方法論文獻選讀 5. 個案研究在方法論上的本質和爭論焦點 6. 多變量解析
1. Human Factor Engineering Research Methods 2. Qualitative study of numericalization 3. Research on the use of literature to explore the treatment of causes 4. Selection of case research methodology paper 5. The essence and contention of case study in methodology 6. Multivariate analysis

參考書目 Reference Books

主題一:實驗與調查 授課教師:陳 潭老師
1. 企業研究方法,謝安田博士著
2. 人因工程學,張一岑著,揚智公司出版
3. Human Factors in Engineering and Design, Sanders and McCormick.
4. 心理與教育統計學,林清山著,東華書局出版
5. 其他參考書目課前老師會再指定。

主題二:定性研究數值化、比較與歸因 授課教師:張炳騰老師
1. T. Nakagawa, K. Sekitani, 2004, A use of analytic network process for supply chain management, Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol.9, pp.783-800.
2. Analytic Hierarchy Process-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. P.-T. Chang, E.S. Lee, 1994, Ranking of fuzzy sets based on the concept of existence, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.27, pp.1-21.
4. P.-T. Chang, E.S. Lee, 1994, Fuzzy linear regression with spreads unrestricted in sign, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.28, pp.61-70.
5. P.-T. Chang, E.S. Lee, S.A. Konz, 1996, Applying fuzzy linear regression to VDT legibility, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.80, pp.197-204.
6. P.-T. Chang, L.-C. Huang, H.-J. Lin, 2000, The fuzzy Delphi method via fuzzy statistics and membership function fitting and an application to the human resources, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.112, pp.511-520.
7. E.g., Management Science, Operations Research, Marketing Science, Intl J. of Production Research, Intl J. of Production Economics, European J. of Operational Research, IEEE Trans. on System, Man and Cybernetics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, etc. 期刊論文

主題三:個案研究 授課教師:劉仁傑老師
1. Robert K. Yin, 2003, Case Study Research Design and Methods.
2. 許士軍,1996,『定性研究在管理研究上的重要性』,中原學報,24(2):1-3。
3. 蕭新煌,張苙雲,1982,『對台灣社會學經驗研究的初步反省』,中央研究院民族學研究所專刊,乙種之11,七月:267-295。
4. 瞿海源,1982,『論社會科學研究方法的相容性與互補性』,中央研究院民族學研究所專刊,乙種之11,七月:245-266。
5. Eisenhardt, Katheleen. M. 1988. Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, 14(4):532-550.

主題四:多變量解析 授課教師:潘忠煜老師
Topic 1: Test and investigation Course teacher: Teacher Chen Tan
1. Corporate research methods, written by Dr. Xie Yasuda
2. Human Cause Engineering, written by Zhang Yicen, published by Yangzhi Company
3. Human Factors in Engineering and Design, Sanders and McCormick.
4. Psychological and Educational Statistical Psychology, written by Lin Qingshan, published by Donghua Book Bureau
5. The teacher will specify other reference books before class.

Topic 2: Qualitative study of numericalization, comparison and cause. Teaching teacher: Teacher Zhang Bingten
1. T. Nakagawa, K. Sekitani, 2004, A use of analytic network process for supply chain management, Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol.9, pp.783-800.
2. Analytic Hierarchy Process-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. P.-T. Chang, E.S. Lee, 1994, Ranking of fuzzy sets based on the concept of existence, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.27, pp.1-21.
4. P.-T. Chang, E.S. Lee, 1994, Fuzzy linear regression with spreads unrestricted in sign, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.28, pp.61-70.
5. P.-T. Chang, E.S. Lee, S.A. Konz, 1996, Applying fuzzy linear regression to VDT legibility, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.80, pp.197-204.
6. P.-T. Chang, L.-C. Huang, H.-J. Lin, 2000, The fuzzy Delphi method via fuzzy statistics and membership function fitting and an application to the human resources, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.112, pp.511-520.
7. E.g., Management Science, Operations Research, Marketing Science, Intl J. of Production Research, Intl J. of Production Economics, European J. of Operational Research, IEEE Trans. on System, Man and Cybernetics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, etc. Journal Articles

Topic 3: Case Study Course Teacher: Teacher Liu Renjie
1. Robert K. Yin, 2003, Case Study Research Design and Methods.
2. Xu Shijun, 1996, "The Importance of Qualitative Research in Management Research", Central Plains Journal, 24(2): 1-3.
3. Xinhuang, Zhang Fengyun, 1982, "A preliminary reflection on Taiwan's social science experience research", Special issue of the Institute of Ethnology, Central Academy of Sciences, Type B 11, July: 267-295.
4. Qu Haiyuan, 1982, "On the Compatibility and Intercompatibility of Social Science Research Methods", Special Journal of the Institute of Ethnology, Central Academy of Sciences, Type B 11, July: 245-266.
5. Eisenhardt, Katheleen. M. 1988. Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, 14(4):532-550.
Note: Students must be assigned to read the first book carefully and report in the first three classes.

Topic 4: Multivariate Analysis Course Teacher: Teacher Pan Zhongyu
Before class, the teacher will specify the reference book again.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic Three
Topic 4

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[IEⅡ102]
授課教師 Teacher:劉仁傑/陳 潭/潘忠煜/張炳騰
修課班級 Class:工工博1
選課備註 Memo:802
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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