course information of 103 - 2 | 5561 Research Methods and Thesis Writing(研究方法與論文寫作)

Taught In English5561 - 研究方法與論文寫作 Research Methods and Thesis Writing

教育目標 Course Target

讓研究生瞭解如何進行工程類與管理類研究方法,以及如何將研究過程和成果撰寫成學術論文。主要讓修習本課程的碩士班同學,學習 1. 學術研究(工程類與管理類)的方法, 2. 熟悉論文格式與寫作技巧。 此外,也讓學生學習不同的研究工具,同時訓練研究所碩士班同學的寫作能力。Let graduate students understand how to conduct engineering and management research methods, and how to write research processes and results into academic papers. Mainly let students in the judiciary class who are studying this course and learn 1. Methods of academic research (engineering and management), 2. Be familiar with the format of the article and writing skills. In addition, students can learn different research tools and train the writing skills of students in the Institute's cadet class.

課程概述 Course Description

讓研究生瞭解如何進行工程類與管理類研究方法,以及如何將研究過程和成果撰寫成學術論文。主要讓修習本課程的碩士班同學,學習 1. 學術研究(工程類與管理類)的方法, 2. 熟悉論文格式與寫作技巧。 此外,也讓學生學習不同的研究工具,同時訓練研究所碩士班同學的寫作能力。
Let graduate students understand how to conduct engineering and management research methods, and how to write research processes and results into academic papers. Mainly let students in the judiciary class who are studying this course and learn 1. Methods of academic research (engineering and management), 2. Be familiar with the format of the article and writing skills. In addition, students can learn different research tools and train the writing skills of students in the Institute's cadet class.

參考書目 Reference Books

1) TOP研究的必修課, Jonathan Grix著(林育珊譯), 2010, 深思文化。
2)研究方法, Ranjit Kumar著(胡龍騰等合譯),2008, 學富。
3)吳萬益著, 2011, 企業研究方法(第4版), 華泰。
4)Robert K. Yin著(尚榮安譯), 2001, 個案研究法,弘智文化。
5)經營學研究法, 藤本隆宏等著, 2006, 有斐閣(日文版)
6) 張保隆•謝寶煖著, 2006, 學術論文寫作 APA規範, 華泰。
1) Compulsory courses for TOP research, by Jonathan Grix (translated by Lin Yushan), 2010, Thought on Culture.
2) Research methods, by Ranjit Kumar (Combined by Hu Longteng et al.), 2008, Learning wealth.
3) Wu Wanyi, 2011, Enterprise Research Methods (4th Edition), Huatai.
4) Robert K. Yin (Shang Rong Anlu), 2001, Case Research Method, and Culture of Overcoming Zhi.
5) Business Research Method, Fujimoto Takahiro et al., 2006, Akihiro (Japanese version)
6) Zhang Baolong Xie Bao, 2006, APA Rules, Huatai.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Work and attendance & class presentation
15 老師規定的作業
Research plan (first draft: book information)
25 期中考時繳交
Research Project Book Report In-depth Edition (Book & Oral Report)
60 口頭報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[E108]
授課教師 Teacher:張書文
修課班級 Class:工工碩1
選課備註 Memo:503
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 32 人。

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