細胞的電生理活性由細胞膜表面離子通道之活動產生。舉例而言,在神經和肌肉細胞中離子通道具有引發、傳遞和中止電氣活性的功能。在其它非興奮性細胞中,離子通道也調控了許多關鍵的生理過程,例如:腎小管上水份的再吸收,胰島素自胰島腺體中的釋放,卵子受精的過程,以及免疫細胞的發育。本課程的目標在於透過研究文獻的閱讀,小組討論,以及實驗的操作,使學生逐漸具備獨立操作儀器設備的能力,以及獲取與離子通道研究相關領域中,最新的生理學,病理學,轉譯醫學的基礎知識,以養成細胞電生理基礎研究的能力。The electrophysiological activity of cells is generated by the activity of ion channels on the surface of the cell membrane. For example, ion channels have the functions of initiating, transmitting and aborting the gas activity in neurons and muscle cells. In other non-sustaining cells, ion channels also control many key physiological processes, such as reabsorption of water on the kidney tubules, release of insulin from pancreatic glands, the process of egg fertilization, and the development of immune cells. The purpose of this course is to gradually develop the ability to prepare independent operating device equipment through the reading of research literature, group discussions, and experiments, as well as to gain the latest basic knowledge of physiology, pathology, and translating medicine in the fields related to ion channel research to cultivate the ability to develop the basic research of cell electrophysiology.
1. Recent literature in major journals
2. (Optional) Ion Channels of Excitable Membranes, Third Edition, by Bertil Hille, Sinauer Associates, 2001
1. Recent literature in major journals
2. (Optional) Ion Channels of Excitable Membranes, Third Edition, by Bertil Hille, Sinauer Associates, 2001
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
文獻閱讀與討論文獻閱讀與討論 Reading and discussion |
50 | 原始文獻之閱讀,討論,與報告 |
實驗儀器操作實驗儀器操作 Experimental instrument operation |
50 | 實驗儀器操作與學術研究之精神與態度 |