讓同學對近代以來中國社會有相當的認識,進而探討其政治、經濟與社會變遷。This allows students to have a considerable understanding of Chinese society in modern times, and then explore its political, economic and social changes.
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Zhang Zhongrong, "Chinese Master", Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, 1991.
Zhang Dechang, "The Life of a Beijing Official in the Qing Dynasty", Hong Kong, Chinese University, 1970.
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Qu Tongzu, "Chinese Law and Chinese Society", Taipei, Li Ren, 1984.
Chung-li Chang, The Chinese Gentry. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1967.
Franz Michael, The Taiping Rebellion. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1966.
Ping-ti Ho, Ladder of Success in Imperial China. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1962.
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