本課程旨在研究唐五代河西文學的內涵及其特色,可資認識唐五代文學的總體面貌,以及通過絲路而產生的中外文學交流情況。This course aims to study the connotation and characteristics of Hexi literature in the Tang and Five Dynasties, so as to understand the overall appearance of literature in the Tang and Five Dynasties, as well as the literary exchanges between China and foreign countries through the Silk Road.
(1)唐五代河西文學專題講義 林聰明編撰
(2)敦煌吐魯番文書解詁指例 林聰明撰
(3)敦煌文學概說 顏廷亮撰
(4)敦煌詩歌導論 項楚撰
(5)敦煌話本詞文故事賦導論 張鴻勳撰
(1) Lecture notes on Hexi literature of the Tang and Five Dynasties, compiled by Lin Chongming
(2) Examples of Exegesis of Dunhuang and Turpan Documents Written by Lin Chongming
(3) An overview of Dunhuang literature written by Yan Tingliang
(4) Introduction to Dunhuang Poetry, written by Xiang Chu
(5) Introduction to Dunhuang dialect text and story writing by Zhang Hongxun
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
30 | (1)上課出席率 (2)問題討論 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
70 |