說明:※課程目標- 1.因應:大一中文教學實用化、應用化的趨勢 2培育:專業知識生活化的習性 3練習:寫將知識融入生活的應用型文字,例如:求職履歷、讀書報告、生活札記等書寫能力。4.首要需培育學生思辨力。Description: ※ Course objectives - 1. Reason: trends of practical and application in freshman Chinese teaching 2 Cultivation: the life-oriented nature of professional knowledge 3 Practice: Write application-oriented words that integrate knowledge into life, such as: study and study, book reporting, life notes and other writing skills. 4. The first thing is to cultivate students' thinking and discernment.
1.以本課教師所主編之科普散文集 海納百川/聯合文學出版為主
1. Focus on popular science essays compiled by the teachers in this course, Haina Baichuan/Combined Literature Publishing
2. Related professional fields of books, make automatic and active references based on the professional knowledge involved in the content of each essay
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平日出席與討論參與度平日出席與討論參與度 Attendance and discussion on weekdays |
35 | 每人每學期可以被容忍有二週6堂課的缺席機會,超過則扣考 |
學期作業學期作業 Study session |
35 | 1.討論課書面報告2.創作習作每學期二篇 |
期末總測試期末總測試 Final test |
30 | 田野訪查紀實為期中考作業。期末則繳交一篇觀察生活題材,需融合:思考、剪裁出曲折、矛盾、緩解情節的1000字以內文章 |