course information of 103 - 2 | 3575 Urban and Community Development(都市與社區發展)

Taught In English3575 - 都市與社區發展 Urban and Community Development

教育目標 Course Target

社區的概念來自西方社區主義(communitarianism)一詞,其除了具有公益精神以及社群意識的內涵,更扮演落實地方基層民主與健全公民社會的重要精神象徵。在都市發展的意義上,社區一方面作為都市發展的基層單元,並且與都會治理各層面息息相關,因此,本課程將透過社區與都市的緊密關係,論述社區與都市緣起、都市環境、都市計畫、政策擬定、政商團體、政府角色,以及都市改革等內容的連結性。The concept of community comes from the term communalism in the West. In addition to the connotation of public spirit and community awareness, it also serves as an important spiritual symbol for the implementation of local grassroots democracy and a sound civil society. In the sense of urban development, the community serves as the basic unit of urban development and is closely related to all aspects of urban governance. Therefore, this course will discuss the origins of communities and cities, urban environment, and urban planning through the close relationship between communities and cities. , policy formulation, political and business groups, government roles, and urban reform.

課程概述 Course Description

社區發展工作幾十年來在台灣都市化與現代化的過程當中受到政府與民間高度的重視。例如以辦理精神倫理建設、生產福利建設及公共設施建設為目的的傳統「社區發展」。以文化、名人、土地、景觀與產業為核心的「社區總體營造」。收空間建築與景觀為對象的「城鄉新風貌」與「美麗新故鄉」。以發展地方產業為目標的「社區文化產業化」與「社區產業文化化」。以發展特定族群文化為內涵的「新客家運動」。以社會福利為主的「福利社區化」與「社區照護」。以人民衛生健康為目標的「健康社區」。以服務老人為目的「友善高齡社區」。以災害防救為重點的「防災社區」與「防災型社區更新」。以促進遊憩休閒為目的的「觀光社區」。以維護社區安全的「社區守望相助」、「社區巡守」與「社區聯防」。以環境保護為目的的「環保社區」、「綠色社區」與「生態社區」。以資源利用為對象的「社區閒置空間再利用」與「社區資源回收」。以教育與學習為中心的「家庭教育社區」、「學習型社區」與「社區大學」。以促進商業繁榮的「形象商圈」與「商店街區再造」。以人才培訓為社區發展項目的「社區培力」及以提升社區能力解決社會問題的「社區充權」與「社區授能」……等等,都大力強調社區發展工作的方法運用與操作。近年來各級地方政府在促進都市發展的大前提之下,很多方面的施政如:交通、安全、治安、環保、社會福利、公共衛生、傳染病防疫、災害防救、教育、文化、建築、古蹟、生態保育等,污染防治、產業與經濟,遊憩休閒、旅遊觀光及都市行銷等的推動,也都非常非重視以地方鄰里社區為範圍或場域的工作推動。社區是都市社會與都市空間的基本結構,都市人口沒有一個人不居生活在一個社區內,任何人可以沒有家庭,但不可能脫離社區而生活,很多人可以到處旅行或流浪,無一固定住所,但一定有一個固定身份歸屬的鄰里社區,這個社區可以是出生地或戶口所在地,也可以說是他們的故鄉。所以,社區的存在與發展與整個都市的發展是息息相關的,假若都市內所有的社區治理都能做得澈底,都市就能全面健全發展。 數十年以來,在“社區主義、社區運動、社區營造、社區治理……”等社區狂熱的驅動下,傳統上將社區發展列為三大社會工作方法之一的社區工作變成十分重要。各級地方政府在都市發展的大前提下,為了實現都市發展的政策與目標,如何強化社區發展工作的方法與途徑,如何提高社區發展的更多內涵與項目,及如何充分落實社區充權與授能以解決社區問題,就成為「都市與社區發展」所要研究的重要課題與內容。 都市與社區發展之所以能成為一門課程,主要是因為社區一方面是都市空間、都市社會、都市行政區劃及都市計畫的基礎單元,另一方面,係因其發展更是全方面的與都市行政與都市治理息息相關。社區的公共事務與問題包羅萬象,有時甚至錯綜複雜,每週僅授課三小時,要求學生融會貫通,自非易事。因此本課程的講授,要注意原則的把握,主要為確立課程組織體系,執簡馭繁,劃定範圍,分層講授,闡明原理,決擇要點,俾便學生能吸取要義。
Community development work has received great attention from the government and the private sector in the process of urbanization and modernization in Taiwan for decades. For example, traditional "community development" aims at spiritual and ethical construction, production and welfare construction, and public facilities construction. "Overall community creation" with culture, celebrities, land, landscape and industry as the core. A "new urban and rural look" and a "beautiful new hometown" that take space architecture and landscape as objects. "Community cultural industrialization" and "community industrial culturalization" with the goal of developing local industries. The "New Hakka Movement" is connoted to develop the culture of a specific ethnic group. "Welfare communityization" and "community care" focusing on social welfare. "Healthy community" aiming at people's health. "Age-Friendly Community" with the purpose of serving the elderly. "Disaster prevention communities" and "disaster prevention community renewal" focusing on disaster prevention and relief. A "tourist community" with the purpose of promoting recreation and leisure. To maintain community safety, "community watch and help", "community patrol" and "community joint defense". "Environmental Communities", "Green Communities" and "Ecological Communities" for the purpose of environmental protection. "Reuse of community idle space" and "community resource recycling" targeting resource utilization. "Family education community", "learning community" and "community college" centered on education and learning. "Image business district" and "redevelopment of shopping districts" to promote commercial prosperity. "Community empowerment", which uses talent training as a community development project, and "community empowerment" and "community empowerment", which improve community capabilities to solve social problems, etc., all strongly emphasize the application and operation of community development work methods. In recent years, under the premise of promoting urban development, local governments at all levels have implemented policies in many aspects such as: transportation, safety, public security, environmental protection, social welfare, public health, infectious disease prevention, disaster prevention, education, culture, architecture, The promotion of historic sites, ecological conservation, pollution prevention and control, industry and economy, recreation and leisure, tourism and urban marketing, etc., also attaches great importance to the promotion of work within the scope or field of local neighborhood communities. Community is the basic structure of urban society and urban space. No one in the urban population lives in a community. Anyone can live without a family, but it is impossible to live without a community. Many people can travel or wander around without a fixed residence. But there must be a neighborhood with a fixed identity. This community can be their place of birth or registered residence, or their hometown. Therefore, the existence and development of communities are closely related to the development of the entire city. If all community governance in the city can be done thoroughly, the city can develop in an all-round and sound manner. For decades, driven by community mania such as "communalism, community movements, community building, community governance...", community work, which has traditionally listed community development as one of the three major social work methods, has become very important. Under the premise of urban development, local governments at all levels, in order to achieve urban development policies and goals, how to strengthen the methods and approaches of community development work, how to improve more connotations and projects of community development, and how to fully implement community empowerment and Empowering people to solve community problems has become an important topic and content to be studied in "Urban and Community Development". The main reason why urban and community development can become a course is that on the one hand, community is the basic unit of urban space, urban society, urban administrative divisions and urban planning; on the other hand, because its development is all-round and urban Administration and urban governance are closely related. Public affairs and issues in the community are all-encompassing and sometimes even complicated. Classes are only taught for three hours a week, requiring students to understand them all, which is no easy task. Therefore, when teaching this course, we must pay attention to the grasp of principles, mainly to establish the course organization system, stick to simplicity and avoid complexity, delineate scope, teach in layers, clarify principles, and select key points so that students can absorb the essentials.

參考書目 Reference Books

王志弘、徐苔玲譯(Simon Parker原著),2007,遇見都市:理論與經驗(Urban Theory and the Urban Experience: Encountering the City),台北:群學出版社。高永光,2004,村里長社會、行政及政治角色功能之研究,台北市里及里長功能定位學術研討討會,台北:政治大學台灣研究中心主辦。
聶崇信、朱秀賢譯,Carl Cohen著,1990,民主概論(Democracy),台北:台灣商務印書館。(Ch1-Ch.2)
徐震 2004 台灣社區發展與社區營造的異同—論社區工作中微視與鉅視的兩條路線,社區發展季刊,107期,頁22-31。
王旭等譯,Joel Kotkin著,2010,全球城市史(The City: AGlobal History),北京:社會科學文獻出版社。
賴世剛譯,Lewis Hoopkins著,2005,都市發展制定計畫的邏輯(Urban Development: the Logic of Making Plans),台北:五南。

Translated by Wang Zhihong and Xu Tailing (original work by Simon Parker), 2007, Urban Theory and the Urban Experience: Encountering the City, Taipei: Qunxue Publishing House. Gao Yongguang, 2004, Research on the Social, Administrative and Political Role Functions of Village Chiefs, Taipei City Academic Seminar on Functional Positioning of Village and Village Chiefs, Taipei: Sponsored by Taiwan Research Center, National Chengchi University.
Gao Xinjun, 2007, Local Government Governance in the United States: Case Investigation and Institutional Research (Revised Edition), Xi'an: Northwestern University Press.
Zhao Yongmao, 2004, The positioning of districts and their relationship with districts and community development associations, Taipei City Academic Seminar on Functional Positioning of Districts and District Chiefs, Taipei: Taiwan Research Center, National Chengchi University.
Translated by Nie Chongxin and Zhu Xiuxian, written by Carl Cohen, 1990, Introduction to Democracy (Democracy), Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press. (Ch1-Ch.2)
Ke Yuzhang, 2005, The theory and practice of communitarian governance model—also on community policy in Taiwan, Journal of Public Administration, Issue 16, pp. 33-57.
Xu Zhen 2004 Similarities and differences between community development and community creation in Taiwan—On the two routes of micro-vision and macro-vision in community work, Community Development Quarterly, Issue 107, pp. 22-31.
Li Yongzhan, 1998, Research on conflict management of neighbor facilities, Journal of Architecture and Urban-Rural Research of National Taiwan University, Issue 9, pp. 33-44.
Liu Liwei, 2008, Reflection on community creation: consideration of urban-rural gap, urban development perspective, and bottom-up concept discussion, Urbanism and Planning, Volume 35, Issue 4, pp. 313-338.
He Mingxiu, 2010, Whose home, which vision? Community movements in the shadow of developmentalism, Taiwan Democracy Quarterly, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 1-30.
Zhang Junhao, 2010, Community awareness and grassroots democracy: Research on path dependence of community development in Taiwan, "Informed Citizens? The Ideal and Practice of Democracy" academic seminar, hosted by the China Political Science Society.
Translated by Wang Xu et al., written by Joel Kotkin, 2010, The City: AGlobal History, Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Edited by Ji Junchen, 2006, Urban and Regional Governance, Taipei: Wunan.
Translated by Lai Shigang, written by Lewis Hoopkins, 2005, Urban Development: the Logic of Making Plans, Taipei: Wunan.
Editor-in-chief Liu Arong, 2007, Urban Governance and Local Sustainable Development, Taipei: Yangzhi Culture.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
interim report
final exam
classroom performance

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學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6,7[SS208]
授課教師 Teacher:張峻豪
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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