本課程為共同選修課,不屬於通識課程。 本課程可提升同學之職場安全與衛生的知識、技術與態度。職場及日常生活中存在著許多潛在危害因子,不留意或稍有疏忽而導致事故發生,常會導致不可挽回的遺憾。事故之發生大多肇因於人為因素--對於危害因子的認知不足或行為上的怠忽。期藉由本課程,讓同學對生活上或未來工作上的各項危害因子有所認知,且可養成正確的行為規範,保護自己避免遭受生活上或職業上的危害。This course is a common elective course and does not belong to the general courses. This course can enhance students’ knowledge, skills and attitude towards workplace safety and health. There are many potential hazards in the workplace and daily life. Accidents caused by carelessness or slight negligence often lead to irreparable regrets. Accidents are mostly caused by human factors - insufficient awareness of hazard factors or behavioral negligence. Through this course, students can become aware of various hazards in life or future work, and develop correct behavioral norms to protect themselves from hazards in life or career.
三、Industrial Safety and Health Management
1. Occupational safety and health administrator training materials
2. Summary of Occupational Safety and Health Laws
3. Industrial Safety and Health Management
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
40 | 課堂參與 |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
30 | 依學校安排之期程擧行考試 |
期末考期末考 final exam |
30 | 依學校安排之期程擧行考試 |