如果我們已經確定,攝影已經是當代藝術裡頭的一個十分成熟的次領域,那麼本課程的目的在於去探究,攝影究竟是一種什麼樣的藝術?社會學家Pierre Bourdieu說,攝影是一種中等藝術(a middle-brow art, un art moyen),是一種既非上流,也非平庸的藝術:根據Bourdieu的調查,上流階級認為攝影是一種較次級的藝術,下層階級則認為攝影的主要功能並非藝術,而是在於記錄。本課程將探討攝影活動在技術史和藝術史之外的社會意義,並透過實作來探索攝影美學的社會評判。If we have determined that photography is already a very mature sub-field in contemporary art, then the purpose of this course is to explore what kind of art is photography? Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu said that photography is a middle-brow art, un art moyen, an art that is neither upper-class nor mediocre: according to Bourdieu's survey, the upper-class consider photography to be a lower-class art. art, the lower class believed that the main function of photography was not art, but recording. This course will explore the social significance of photographic activities beyond the history of technology and art, and explore the social judgment of photographic aesthetics through practice.
Barthes, Roland,1995,許綺玲譯,《明室:攝影札記》,台北:台灣攝影工作室。
Benjamin, Walter,1998,許綺玲譯,〈攝影小史〉〈機械複製時代的藝術作品〉,《迎向靈光消逝的年代》,台北:台灣攝影工作室。
Bourdieu, Pierre, 1996, Photography: A Middle-Brow Art, Stanford University Press.
Freund, Gisele,1990,攝影與社會,攝影家出版社。
Struken, Marita and Cartwright, Lisa,2009,陳品秀譯,《觀看的實踐:給所有
Susan Sontag,2004,黃翰荻譯,《旁觀他人之痛苦》,台北:麥田。
Barthes, Roland, 1995, translated by Hsu Chi-ling, "Camera Lucida: Photographic Notes", Taipei: Taiwan Photography Studio.
Benjamin, Walter, 1998, translated by Hsu Chi-ling, "A Brief History of Photography" and "Art Works in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction", "Toward the Era of the Fading Aura", Taipei: Taiwan Photography Studio.
Bourdieu, Pierre, 1996, Photography: A Middle-Brow Art, Stanford University Press.
Freund, Gisele, 1990, Photography and Society, Photographer Press.
Struken, Marita and Cartwright, Lisa, 2009, translated by Chen Pinxiu, "The Practice of Seeing: For All
An Introduction to Visual Culture in the Image Generation, Taipei: Facebook.
Susan Sontag, 2004, translated by Huang Handi, "Watching the Pain of Others", Taipei: Wheatfield.
Lin Zhiming, "Duplexity and Tension", Taipei: Garden City.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
小組課堂報告小組課堂報告 Group Class Report |
40 | |
期末書面報告期末書面報告 Final written report |
40 | |
課堂參與課堂參與 class participation |
20 |