course information of 103 - 2 | 3493 103-2 Digital Interactive Musical Theater- Interactive Visua(103-2 數位互動音樂劇場(互動影像設計組))

Taught In English3493 - 103-2 數位互動音樂劇場(互動影像設計組) 103-2 Digital Interactive Musical Theater- Interactive Visua

教育目標 Course Target

本課程由音樂系、外文系、美術系與創藝學院創藝媒體中心共同合作,以期末公演的互動音樂劇為表演形式,學習跨領域創意活動的合作和呈現。 本課程內容配合「數位互動音樂劇場(表演組)」,以及「數位互動音樂劇場(劇場實務組)」兩個課程,進行主題音樂劇(暫定「CATS」)舞台設計之數位互動影像部分的設計與製作,學期中修課同學會思考如何搭配劇本情節,進行多媒體影像與互動設計之腳本與設計創作,並學習運用動畫設計軟體Adobe Flash,以及Arduino 互動技術在舞台表演上的應用可能,結果將在校園內舉行公開演出。This course is jointly jointly developed by the Music Department, Foreign Languages ​​Department, Art Department and the Creative Media Center of the Creative Arts Academy. It uses the interactive music drama of the final performance as a performance form to learn the cooperation and presentation of cross-region creative activities. The content of this course is combined with the two courses of "Digital Interactive Musical Scene (Performance Group)" and "Digital Interactive Musical Scene (Scene Activity Group)" to carry out the stage design of the theme musical (determined "CATS")" Design and production of interactive image parts. In mid-term studies, students will think about how to match the scripts, conduct scripts and design creations for multimedia image and interactive design, and learn the use of animation design software Adobe Flash, as well as the application of Arduino interactive technology in stage performances, will result in public performances on campus.

參考書目 Reference Books

Flash CS6 入門與動畫概念,貝拉著,松崗出版社.
精彩 Flash CS6 動畫程式設計:使用ActionScript 3.0,蔡國強著,易習圖書.
Arduino 完全實戰手冊(2014),Martin Evans 等著,王冠勛譯,博碩出版。
Flash CS6 entry and animation concept, Bela, Songgang Publishing House.
Wonderful Flash CS6 animation program design: using ActionScript 3.0, written by Cai Guo, easy to write.
Ye Xie Rui (2003). "Artistic Language @Digital Age". Taipei: Collection artist.
Arduino Completely Fighting Handbook (2014), Martin Evans et al., Wang Guanxun, Boss Published.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Animation and interactive operations 1~5
50 從線性動畫到互動設計
Regular achievements
10 出席率、上課狀況與團隊合作
Final scene animation and interaction
40 內容創意、精緻度與整體呈現效果

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8[系電腦室]
授課教師 Teacher:吳冠穎/邱浩修
修課班級 Class:共選修2-4
選課備註 Memo:上課地點:建築系館3樓電腦教室
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 30 人。

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