course information of 103 - 2 | 3492 103-2 Interactive Musical Theater - Theater Design Practice(103-2 數位互動音樂劇場(劇場實務))

Taught In English3492 - 103-2 數位互動音樂劇場(劇場實務) 103-2 Interactive Musical Theater - Theater Design Practice

教育目標 Course Target

1.建立多元藝術創作平台, 突破音樂劇與藝術創作的單向專業思考模式, 使學生學習跨域資源整合實務。 2.使學生有能力以再利用物和材料進行舞台設計與服裝設計創作。 3.使學生有機會從不同角度探討劇場設計的實務。 4.使學生認識劇場空間與設備及其製作設計的流程、劇場技術與管理、行銷宣傳。 5.使學生了解劇場舞台、燈光、服裝、攝影、影像處理、多媒體設計的藝術。 6.配合再利用藝術之效能為數位互動音樂劇場「貓」完成設計與製作實務。 7.使學生開發新視野、培養同理心、增長整合協調合作的能力、建立互動永續生活的正確觀念。1. Establish a diversified artistic creation platform, break through the single-oriented professional thinking model of music drama and artistic creation, and enable students to learn cross-domain resource integration practice. 2. Enable students to create stage design and clothing design with reused objects and materials. 3. Give students the opportunity to explore the reality of drama design from different angles. 4. Enable students to understand the process, drama technology and management, and marketing promotion of the drama space and equipment and their production and design. 5. Enable students to understand the art of theater stage, lighting, clothing, photography, image processing, and multimedia design. 6. Coordinate with the reuse of the performance of art to complete the design and production practice for the "cat" of the digital interactive music scene. 7. Enable students to develop new vision, cultivate empathy, increase integration and coordination capabilities, and establish correct concepts for interactive and sustainable life.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 姜寀蕾譯:《窺看舞台》,台北:遠流。
2. 舞台技術-理論基礎與實務操作,劉達倫編,台北:臺灣戲曲學院。
3. To Life ! Eco Art in Pursuit of a Sustainable Planet, by Linda Weintraub, University of California Press, 2012年
1. Jiang Lu Lei’s translation: "Looking at the Stage", Taipei: Far.
2. Stage Technology-Theoretical Basics and Practical Operations, edited by Liu Dalun, Taipei: Taiwan Academy of Fine Arts.
3. To Life ! Eco Art in Pursuit of a Sustainable Planet, by Linda Weintraub, University of California Press, 2012

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Comprehensive performance of classes
30 出席率, 學習態度, 課堂分享討論。
Midterm PPT Report
20 報告內容的完整性、深度
Design and production practice
50 作品的創意、按時完成計劃、團隊合作的態度

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6,7[HT102]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭月妹
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 51 人。

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