course information of 103 - 2 | 3483 Introduction to Constitution(社區參與與組織經營)

Taught In English3483 - 社區參與與組織經營 Introduction to Constitution

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主要教學目標為: 1. 引導「東海⼈」⾛出東海圍牆,走入大肚山社區,觀察、探索、發現真正的台灣。 2. 培訓「東海⼈」對「社區參與」、「社區總體營造」的知識、態度與實踐能力。 3. 培訓「東海⼈」診斷議題,擬定策略,引動社區參與,規劃社區共同願景的能力。 4. 培訓「東海⼈」整合資源,處理危機,完成參與式「社區圓夢⾏動計畫」的實踐⼒。The main teaching objectives of this course are: 1. Guide the "Tonghai people" out of the walls of the Donghai area, enter the Dadushan community, and observe, explore and discover the real Taiwan. 2. Cultivate "Tonghai people"'s knowledge, attitude and practical ability in "community participation" and "community general construction". 3. Cultivate the "Tonghairen" diagnosis questions, formulate strategies, motivate community participation, and plan community shared vision. 4. Training "Tonghairen" to integrate resources, handle crises, and complete the practical strength of participating "Community Dream Action Plan".

課程概述 Course Description

我們將從不同的面向深入探討社區參與、社區動力、全人創意社區、「The Green Mind」 綠色社區工坊、社區組織、社區總體營造機制及永續發展等,並回顧日本、歐洲、台灣的社區總體營造實踐歷程,及其對台灣「社區參與」變遷過程的影響力。 課程中採取實例說明的方式,並以社區營造學習教室、「The Green Mind」綠色社區工坊、社區電影院三種單元式教學,輔助幫助學生對於社區總體營造的實際認知及啟發學習興趣。
We will explore the community participation, community motivation, creative community for the whole person, "The Green Mind" green community workshop, community organizations, community general management mechanism and sustainable development from different perspectives, and will return to the overall construction process of community participation in Japan, Europe and Taiwan, and its impact on Taiwan's "community participation" transformation process. In the course, we take practical examples and create three single-dimensional teachings: community-based learning classrooms, "The Green Mind" green community workshops, and community cinemas, to help students to understand and develop learning interest in overall community construction.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 課堂隨堂講義,請從教學平台下載,請每個人事先閱讀。
2. 【畫個圖講的更清楚 Visual Meeting 】,大衛 斯貝特(David Sibbet)著,
邱慧菁、閻蕙群、林慧美 譯,2010,台北市:時報文化出版。
3. 【引導反思的第一本書】,吳兆田 著,2012,台北市:五南出版。
4. 【團隊成功的YES基因:肯定式探詢一點就通】,蘇 安妮斯 哈蒙 著,
陳淑婷 許逸臻 譯,2005,台北市:開放智慧引導科技出版。
5. 【誰說我們不能一起作決定:參與式決策引導寶典】,山姆 肯納 等合著,
洪慧芳 譯,2007,台北市:開放智慧引導科技出版。
6. 【當責】,張文隆 著,2011,商周出版。
7. 【6頂思考帽:增進思考成效的6種魔法】,愛德華.狄波諾 著,
1. For lectures in class, please download them from the teaching platform, please read them in advance.
2. [Browse a picture to tell more clearly Visual Meeting], by David Sibbet,
Qiu Huijing, JIN Huiqun, Lin Huimei Translated, 2010, Taipei City: Times Culture Publishing.
3. [The first book that guides reflection], written by Wu Zhaotian, 2012, Taipei City: Wunan.
4. [The YES gene of the team's success: A positive exploration can be achieved at a glance], by Su Annis Harmon,
Chen Shuting, Xu Yizhen, 2005, Taipei City: Opening up smart guidance technology publishing.
5. [Who said we can’t make a decision together: Participating decision-making guided celebrating the classic], co-authored by Sam Kenner, et al. Hong Huifang, 2007, Taipei City: Opening up smart guidance technology publishing.
6. [Responsible], written by Zhang Wenlong, 2011, published by Shang and Zhou.
7. [6 Top Thinking Hat: 6 magics that increase the effectiveness of thinking], Love Dehua. By Deboro,
Liu Hui Yu, 2010, published on the face.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
10 1.請假請養成習慣事先以書面請老師簽核。 2.無故缺席達5次,總成績以零分計。 3.無故缺席1次扣總成績2分,無故遲到扣總成績0.5分,全勤加5分。
課堂表現-Speak out,隨堂預習及反思小作業課堂表現-Speak out,隨堂預習及反思小作業
Classroom presentation-Speak out, small works of previewing and reflection in the classroom
30 1.態度積極、專注,發言、分 享,幫助他人學習, 2.主動約老師討論期中、期末簡報, 3.以0.5分為基本單位
Mid-term actual report
25 1.「社區圓夢行動計畫」初稿,2.口頭報告, 3.書面報告, 4.海報展示, 5.自評互評, 6.內容詳「圓夢行動計畫 Pre-proposal範本」執行細則上課共 同討論。評量方式詳「圓夢行動清單自我檢核表」、「SPEC學習成效互評表」執行細則上課共同討論決策。
Final period implementation report
35 1.「社區圓夢行動計畫」完稿,2.口頭報告, 3.書面報告, 4.海報展示, 5.自評互評, 6.內容詳「圓夢行動計畫 Pre-proposal範本」執行細則上課共 同討論。評量方式詳「圓夢行動清單自我檢核表」、「SPEC學習成效互評表」執行細則上課共同討論決策。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/8,9[C102]
授課教師 Teacher:伊志宗
修課班級 Class:共選修1-3
選課備註 Memo:限1-3 年級,教師自主加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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