course information of 103 - 2 | 3479 Experiential Education: Awake and Action(體驗教育:從覺醒到參與實踐)

Taught In English3479 - 體驗教育:從覺醒到參與實踐 Experiential Education: Awake and Action

教育目標 Course Target

1. Back to Basics_1:體驗教育的定義? 2. Back to Basics_2:John Dewey 的哲學觀 3. Back to Basics_3:David Kolb 的經驗學習與發展論 / 認識自己的學習風格 4. Key Thinkers_1:Maxine Greene 的存在現象學 5. Key Thinkers_2:Carl Roger 的人本心理學 6. Key Thinkers_3:Alexander von Humboldt 自然科學探險家 7. Program Founders_1:Kurt Hahn(創辦 Outward Bound School) 8. Program Founders_2:Paul Petzoldt(創辦 National Outdoor Leadership School 及 Wilderness Education Association) 9. Program Founders_3:Sidney B. Simon(價值澄清的先驅) 10. Skills & Style_1:帶領團體的基本原則 11. Skills & Style_2:活動設計與安排的基本原則 12. Skills & Style_3:動態反思實務 13. Skills & Style_4:解決引導過程中的常見問題 14. Skills & Style_5:引導者的角色與職責 15. Skills & Style_6:認識及體驗探索活動 16. Specific Theme_1: 淺談體驗教育與道德發展 17. Specific Theme_2: 淺談體驗教育與公民素養 18. Specific Theme_3: 東海 Alpha 計畫的反思與批判1. Back to Basics_1: The definition of physical education? 2. Back to Basics_2: John Dewey's Philosophical View 3. Back to Basics_3: David Kolb's experience learning and development discussion / Know your own learning style 4. Key Thinkers_1: Maxine Greene's existence phenomenon 5. Key Thinkers_2: Carl Roger's Human Psychology 6. Key Thinkers_3: Alexander von Humboldt Natural Science Explorer 7. Program Founders_1: Kurt Hahn (created Outward Bound School) 8. Program Founders_2: Paul Petzoldt (founded National Outdoor Leadership School and Wilderness Education Association) 9. Program Founders_3: Sidney B. Simon (a pre-driving value clarification) 10. Skills & Style_1: The basic principles of leading a group 11. Skills & Style_2: Basic principles of event design and arrangement 12. Skills & Style_3: Dynamic reflection on reality 13. Skills & Style_4: Solve FAQs in the Guidelines 14. Skills & Style_5: The role and role of the guide 15. Skills & Style_6: Knowledge and experience exploration activities 16. Specific Theme_1: Pure discussion on education and moral development 17. Specific Theme_2: Pure discussion on education and civic ethics 18. Specific Theme_3: Reflection and Criticism of Donghai Alpha Plan

參考書目 Reference Books

A.吳兆田 著,2012。引導反思的第一本書。台北:五南出版社
B.杜威 著,郝明義 導讀,薛絢 譯,2006。民主與教育。台北:網路與書(Net and Books)
A. Written by Wu Zhaotian, 2012. The first book that guides reflection. Taipei: Wunan Publishing House
B. Dewey, directed by Hao Mingyi, translated by Xue Zhi, 2006. Democracy and education. Taipei: Net and Books
C. Selected collection of literature

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Classroom reflection writing
20 �以當週單元主題為範圍,目的為提醒學生課前閱讀,及練習課程中的專注與延伸思考。
Midterm exam
40 問答題
Period Report: My Awakening and Participation
40 Quality of your thinking and action
Class performance (added points at the end of the period)
5 態度積極、專注/發言、分享/幫助他人學習/以0.5分為基本單位
Group Report (Extra points at the end of the period)
5 加分範圍1~10分

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[HT102]
授課教師 Teacher:吳兆田
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:α-leader於預選時優先選課,不開放網路預選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 27 人。

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