course information of 103 - 2 | 3477 Understanding of Sports(運動賞析與體驗)

Taught In English3477 - 運動賞析與體驗 Understanding of Sports

教育目標 Course Target

一.讓學生瞭解不同運動起源的背景與其特殊性 二.配合認知教授與運動技能的實際操作.達到知行合一目標 三.瞭解奧林匹克運動會的起源與發展 四.瞭解奧林匹克運動會的申辦與舉辦 五.認知奧林匹克憲章1. Let students understand the background and particularity of the origins of different sports 2. Cooperate with the actual operation of cognitive teaching and sports skills, and achieve the goal of integrating knowledge and action 3. Understand the origin and development of the Olympic Sports Association 4. Understand the application and handling of the Olympic Sports Association 5. Know the Olympiad Chapter

參考書目 Reference Books

六.奧林匹克活動規範 中華台北奧林匹克委員會 1986/11月
七.奧林匹克大全 人民體育出版社 1989年
八.Olympic Charter 奧林匹克憲章 2013年 http://www.olympic.org/Documents/olympic_charter_en.pdf
1. Lin Zhumao (1985): Research on volleyball jumping spikes and balls. Zhiyin Publishing House.
2. Qu Zhengzhong, Zhang Baizhen (1995): Volleyball. Chinese People's Sports Press,.
3. Hu Zhongmin (1985): Ball-selling practice. The 75th National Volleyball Coaching Seminar Handbook of the Republic of China.
4. Xu Shuling (1982): Analysis of volleyball sports technology. Join the book company.
5. Xu Shuling (1985): Analysis of the power of volleyball technology. The 75th National Volleyball Coaching Coach of the Republic of China
6. Regulations on the Olympic Activities of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee 1986/November
7. The Olympiad People's Sports Publishing House 1989
8.Olympic Charter Olympic Charter 2013 http://www.olympic.org/Documents/olympic_charter_en.pdf

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Learning attitude
30 上課出缺席狀況與同儕互動
Learning Report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[H321]
授課教師 Teacher:賴世堤/陳俊豪/鄭金昌/吳旻寰
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 85 人。

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