course information of 103 - 2 | 3474 Playback Theater(一人一故事劇場)

Taught In English3474 - 一人一故事劇場 Playback Theater

教育目標 Course Target

一人一故事劇場(Playback Theatre/簡稱PBT)著重傾聽、同理、接納、轉化與鏡照,並強調肢體與聲音的自發性表達與深度同理,是一種即興互動式的民眾劇場。 PBT結合了心理劇、部落聚會以及劇場的儀式與精神,提供愛、分享、平等與尊重的藝術氛圍,讓生命的存在得以相互見證。 一人一故事劇場課程有個願景:以說故事及早期部落的劇場儀式美學為媒介,提供現今社區實踐整合的社會功能,重新聯繫起人們彼此之間失去的連結。 PBT由成員提供真實故事,以即興方式現場演出。其團練不只可以釋放內在壓力,還可以催化自我覺察、增進團隊情誼、減少孤獨與疏離感,對於個人成長、人際關係和社區關懷大有幫助。Playback Theatre (Playback Theatre/simple PBT) focuses on listening, empathy, acceptance, transformation and lensing, and emphasizes the self-producing expression and depth of body and sound. It is an instant and interactive public drama. PBT combines the rituals and spirit of psychological dramas, tribal gatherings and dramas, providing an artistic atmosphere of love, sharing, equality and respect, allowing the existence of life to witness each other. One-person-one-story drama course has a vision: using storytelling and early tribe dramatic aesthetics as a medium, providing the social functions that are actually integrated in today's community, reconnecting people to the lost links between them. PBT is provided by members to perform on the spot in an instant fashion. Its group training can not only release internal pressure, but also catalyze self-awareness, increase team relationships, and reduce feelings of isolation and distantness, which is of great help to personal growth, international relations and community ties.

參考書目 Reference Books

Salas, J. (1999/2007). Improvising Real Life: Personal Story in Playback Theatre. (李志強、林世坤、林淑玲譯)。即興真實人生-一人一故事劇場。台北:心理。
Boal, A. (2007/2000). Theatre of the Oppressed.(賴淑雅譯)。受壓迫者劇場。
onstruction of Meaning.(朱儀羚、吳芝儀、蔡欣志、康萃婷、柯禧慧等譯)。
Jones, P. (1996/ 2002). Drama as therapy.(洪素珍等合譯)。戲劇治療 。台北:五南。
Salas, J. (1999/2007). Improvising Real Life: Personal Story in Playback Theatre. (Reported by Li Zhichang, Lin Shikun, Lin Shuling). It's a real life - a story scene for one person. Taipei: Psychology.
Mo Zhaoru and Lin Baoyuan (2004). People's drama and grassroots democracy. Taipei: Tangshan.
Xu Shuya (2006). Community drama concept and practice manual. Taipei: Cultural and Cultural Construction Association.
Xu Shuya (2009). See yourself and society in the drama. . Tainan: Tainan drama group.
Long Mingde (2007). From the Pub Craftshop to the Riding-Sales-Grottosky. Taipei: Booklin.
Boal, A. (2007/2000). Theatre of the Oppressed. The scene of the pressured person.
Taipei: Sharp wisdom.
onstruction of Meaning. (Translated by Zhu Yanling, Wu Zhiyan, Cai Xinzhi, Kang Cuiting, Ke Xihui, etc.).
Psychology and Research - the Construction of Self, Creation and Ideology, Page 124. Chiayi: 水水.
Jones, P. (1996/ 2002). Drama as therapy. (Combined by Hong Suzhen et al.). Drama treatment. Taipei: Wunan.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class attendance and attendance
Learning single operations and general reports
Final division results exhibition

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6,7[好學堂]
授課教師 Teacher:郭玟伶/陳正一/梁翠梅
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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