本課程希望透過閱讀著作,並實際觀察日常生活的運作,讓同學更加敏銳地反思正常/不正常的區分是如何由互動中的雙(多)方共同演出,包括眼神、身體姿態或語言等具體但細微的展現都一步步築起區隔之牆,並進而鞏固它,甚至成為一種牢不可破的刻板印象。這當然不是要去區分受害者/加害者,而是期待同學更具反思性、更具開放性的看待社會差異性,更具批判性的檢視影響充斥現代生活的社會機構。This course hopes to read the works and actually observe the movements of daily life, so that students can reflect more responsibly on how normal/abnormal divisions are performed together by multiple parties in interaction, including specific but detailed displays such as eyes, body posture or language, step by step into the partition wall, and then strengthen it, and even become an unbreakable stereotype. Of course, this is not about dividing victims/perpetrators, but about students looking forward to a more reflective and open view of social differences and a more critical visual impact that is full of modern life.
Goffman, 2012, Mental Hospital. Taipei: Group studies.
Goffman, 2010, Stigma: Notes on Managing Bleeding Identity. Taipei: Group studies.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 | |
課堂表現及出缺席課堂表現及出缺席 Class performance and absence |
25 | |
課堂報告課堂報告 Class Report |
30 |