course information of 103 - 2 | 3433 Elias II: A Selection of Elias's Writings(經典閱讀:伊里亞斯著作選讀)

Taught In English3433 - 經典閱讀:伊里亞斯著作選讀 Elias II: A Selection of Elias's Writings

教育目標 Course Target

這是「經典閱讀:伊里亞斯《文明化過程》」的姊妹課程。二者同樣研讀創始自德國猶太裔社會學家伊里亞斯(Norbert Elias, 1897-1990) 的文明化過程研究。面對著起始於西方人自我圖像後而傳布全球的文明與野蠻這樣的對立概念與現實,伊里亞斯尋問著,文明究竟何謂、成壞又是何致。 本課不同之處在於,非是集中於單一扛鼎巨作,而是分進合擊,選讀伊里亞斯於文明化過程諸般脈絡面向中展現的多樣研究成果,包括《莫札特》、《宮廷社會》、《臨終者的孤寂》、《個體的社會》、《論時間》、《社會學是什麼》等等已有中譯,適合學生細讀的著作,以及身體、性別、知識、符號等等主題相關段落,乃至教育社會學、藝術社會學之後續延伸,並以其晚年大作《論德意志人》作為引子,以之開場。 這兩門課著力閱讀伊里亞斯,絲纏表裡,內蘊互見。可單修其中一門,以窺經典堂奧,也可無分先後,研習二課,更見廣博精深。 期許同學,透過如此經典研讀,能夠由外而內,由學問思辨的學習,進一步反思自身、反思當代。 各文本之研讀分量、相對比重,如有需要,可依課程進行與同學興趣,予以微調。This is a companion course to "Classic Reading: Ilias' "The Civilization Process"". Both of them also studied the study of the civilization process originated by the German Jewish sociologist Norbert Elias (1897-1990). Faced with the opposing concepts and realities of civilization and barbarism that originated from Westerners' self-image and spread around the world, Elias asked what civilization is and what makes it good or bad. The difference of this course is that it does not focus on a single masterpiece, but it divides it into a group attack and selects and reads Ilias's diverse research results in various aspects of the civilization process, including "Mozart", "The Court" Society", "The Loneliness of the Dying", "The Society of the Individual", "On Time" "Time", "What is Sociology", etc. have been translated into Chinese and are suitable for students to read carefully, as well as passages related to topics such as body, gender, knowledge, symbols, etc., and even subsequent extensions of educational sociology and art sociology, and It starts with the introduction of his late masterpiece "On the Germans". These two courses focus on reading Ilias, intertwining the surface and the inside, and the inner meanings are intertwined. You can take one of the courses alone to get a glimpse of the classics, or you can study the two courses in no particular order to gain a deeper understanding of the subject. I hope that through the study of such classics, students can learn from the outside in and from the perspective of academic thinking, and further reflect on themselves and the contemporary world. The study weight and relative proportion of each text can be fine-tuned, if necessary, according to the progress of the course and the interests of the students.

課程概述 Course Description

General courses are different from professional courses. They actually focus on guiding students to actively care for, explore and practice the ultimate value and wisdom of mankind. At the same time, the knowledge provided by general courses is not the superficiality of professional courses, but basic knowledge with a solid sense. . Based on the school’s founding tradition, school motto and school philosophy, the school has formulated four basic qualities for general education: truth-seeking quality, belief quality, practical quality and general quality, in order to concretely implement the school’s ideals of general education. We hope that our students can develop their independent learning spirit and gradually develop their basic literacy in general education under the guidance of general education teachers, and look forward to lifelong learning. Each basic literacy has specific learning effectiveness indicators for self-examination of teaching and learning effectiveness, which are described below: Truth-seeking literacy (natural field): 1. Learn the methods or philosophy of natural science to explore physics and the subtleties of the living world, 2. Use the spirit of discussing matters as they are, 3. Be able to participate in public affairs related to scientific issues. Belief literacy (humanities field): 1. Learn the humanistic spirit to explore the inner self and understand the deep value of human civilization, 2. Develop self-discipline, 3. Be able to use rationality for moral reasoning. Practical literacy (social field): 1. Use social science methods or philosophy to stimulate students' listening and communication skills, 2. Recognize and respect diversity, 3. Practice the spirit of democratic deliberation. Hongtong literacy (cross-field): 1. Pursue the overall value of human beings, 2. Integrate qualities such as truth-seeking, faith, and practice into personal life. Courses in various fields can choose from different learning outcome indicators, so there is no need to be rigid.

參考書目 Reference Books

Elias, Norbert (2005)《莫札特:探求天才的奧秘》,呂愛華譯,台北:聯經。
Elias, Norbert (2003)《個體的社會》,翟三江、陸興華譯,南京:譯林。
Elias, Norbert (2008)《臨終者的孤寂》,鄭義愷譯,台北:群學。
Elias, Norbert (2014)《論時間》,李中文譯,台北:群學。
Elias, Norbert (2007)《什麼是社會學?》,鄭義愷譯,台北:群學。
Elias, Norbert (1998) On civilization, Power and Knowledge (Selected Writings). Edited and with a Introduction by Stephen Mennel and Johan Goudsblom. University Of Chicago Press. (中譯本:論文明、權力與知識︰諾貝特•埃利亞斯文選。劉佳林譯。
Elias, Norbert (2005) "Mozart: Exploring the Secret of Genius", translated by Lu Aihua, Taipei: Lianjing.
Elias, Norbert (2003) "The Society of Individuals", translated by Zhai Sanjiang and Lu Xinghua, Nanjing: Yilin.
Elias, Norbert (2008) "The Loneliness of the Dying", translated by Zheng Yikai, Taipei: Qunxue.
Elias, Norbert (2014) "On Time", translated by Li Zhongwen, Taipei: Qunxue.
Elias, Norbert (2007) What is Sociology? ", translated by Zheng Yikai, Taipei: Qunxue.
Elias, Norbert (1998) On civilization, Power and Knowledge (Selected Writings). Edited and with a Introduction by Stephen Mennel and Johan Goudsblom. University Of Chicago Press. Selected Works of Lias. Translated by Liu Jialin. Nanjing University Press. 2005. )

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
attend discussions
Group report
Reading experience and mid-term assignments
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[C202]
授課教師 Teacher:張義東
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:社會系2186雙掛10人;教師自主加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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