course information of 103 - 2 | 3368 Positive Psychology(社會:正向心理學)

Taught In English3368 - 社會:正向心理學 Positive Psychology

教育目標 Course Target

生活在21世紀的人類,受到科學、技術的高度開發之賜生活方便、省時、省力、舒適;但也使地球暖化、氣候異常、形成貧富差距加大的M型社會,讓一般普羅大眾感受到“高度發展的矛盾”(The paradox of progress)。全世界富裕國家,如美國與日本人民的幸福感反而比不丹的貧窮國家更低。於是主張人類潛能發展即可得到“頂尖經驗”(peak experience) 幸福感的人本論(Humanism),從1950年代創立以來,再重新受到重視,蛻變成“正向心理學”風行全世界,成為21世紀顯學。同樣,東海大學也創立於1950年代,似乎受到人本論影響,可看出創校先賢制訂“求真、篤信、力行”校訓,盼望青年學子,勤勉向學,發現“真實我”,堅定自信,實踐於生活中,終能發揮潛能,自我實現,貢獻社會,成為利人又利己的快樂東海人。People living in the 21st century are highly developed by science and technology to make life convenient, time-saving, labor-saving and comfortable; but they also warm the earth, abnormal climate, and form an M-shaped society with an increasing gap between the rich and wealthy, allowing ordinary people to feel the "highly developed contradiction" (The paradox of progress). The happiness of wealthy countries around the world, such as the United States and the Japanese people, is lower than that of the poor countries in Bhutan. So the humanism that advocates the potential development of humans can obtain the "peak experience" is a humanism that has been founded in the 1950s and has been re-reviewed, turning into a "positive psychology" style throughout the world and becoming a 21st century vision. Similarly, Donghai University was also founded in the 1950s and seemed to be influenced by humanistic theory. It can be seen that the inventor first purchased the school training of "seeking truth, pursuing faith, and practicing". I hope that young students will learn diligently, discover "true self", and be confident, and in reality, they will eventually discover potential, realize themselves, and contribute to society, becoming a happy Donghai people who benefit others and selfishly.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.更快樂〈Happier by Tel Ben Shahar〉譚家瑜譯 天下雜誌出版2012年1月第二版
2.真實的快樂〈Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman〉洪蘭譯 遠流出版公司 2009年12月第二版
3.學習樂觀,樂觀學習〈Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman〉洪蘭譯 遠流出版公司 2009年12月第二版
4.心理學:日常生活中的應用〈Psychology Appied to Modern Life by Wayne Weiten etc.〉洪葉文化事業有限公司 2006年9月初版
5.社會心理學概論〈The Social Animal by Elliot Aronson〉危芷芬譯 雙葉書廊有限公司 2011年8月初版
認知心理學〈Cognitive Psychology by R.J.Sternberg〉李王琇、蔣文祁譯 2010年3月初版 雙葉書廊有限公司
1. Happier (Happier by Tel Ben Shahar) by Shojiayu, published by the World Magazine, 2nd edition, January 2012
2. Real happiness  Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman Honglan Translation Far-Flow Publishing Company December 2009 Second Edition
3. Learning to enjoy the music, learning to enjoy the music (Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman) Honglan Translation Far-Flow Publishing Company Second Edition, December 2009
4. Psychology: Application in Daily Life〈Psychology Appied to Modern Life by Wayne Weiten etc.〉Hongye Culture and Industry Co., Ltd. Early September 2006
5. Overview of Social Psychology  The Social Animal by Elliot Aronson Wu Zhifen Translated by Duye Library Co., Ltd. Early August 2011
Cognitive Psychology by R.J.Sternberg》Li Wangxiu, Hua Wen Qilu Early March 2010 Double Ye Library Co., Ltd.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Study period report
30 將練習成果撰寫成學期報告
Midterm exam
30 理論概念的學習
Final exam
40 理論概念的學習

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9[SS102]
授課教師 Teacher:彭懷真/張文雄
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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