course information of 103 - 2 | 3355 Sex, Love and Law(社會:性、愛情與法律)

Taught In English3355 - 社會:性、愛情與法律 Sex, Love and Law

教育目標 Course Target

一、 重視同學內在與社會外在的互動連結,本門課程透過多元文化比較觀點為授課方式 二、 透過影片建立同學整體法律架構基本認識,以使未來易於進入性別法律課程,主要性別議題:1.婚姻與性別的常軌、2.懷孕控制、3.同性戀、4情慾藝術、色情出版物與裸體、5.性侵害、6.性騷擾等。 三、 透過介紹西方異時代異文化的性別歷史與法規範,以及中國舊法及現今台灣對性別方面的法規範,以呈現中西不同的性別價值觀,藉此使同學瞭解中西方之異同 四、 據此透過多元文化觀點連結目前社會一般人或媒體對性別議題所傳達訊息及法律實際案例的處理,讓同學檢驗自己在性別相關議題上之價值觀是否受到社會刻板化印象影響 五、 己身權益遭受侵害時,行動上應如何因應以及如何救濟 六、 不定期邀請專家演講,以性別議題為主,分別討論人際溝通或法實務界運作情形等,以擴增本門課程思考廣度。 七、 因應資訊網路社會的來臨,與資訊相關之性別法律解析介紹1. Focus on the internal interaction between classmates and the external social environment. This course is a teaching method through multicultural comparison. 2. Establish basic understanding of the overall legal structure of the pediatrics through the video to make it easier to enter the gender legal course in the future. The main gender issues are: 1. The routine of marriage and gender, 2. Pregnancy control, 3. Homosexuality, 4. Emotional arts, pornographic publications and nudity, 5. Sexual assault, 6. Sexual anger, etc. 3. By introducing the gender history and laws of Western different cultures, as well as the old Chinese law and the laws on gender in Taiwan today, we can present the different gender values ​​of Chinese and Western cultures, so that students can understand the differences between Chinese and Western countries. 4. This links the current information and legal actual cases transmitted by general social or media through multicultural perspectives, allowing students to examine whether their value of gender-related issues are affected by social stereotyped impressions. 5. When your personal rights are infringed, how should you respond and save your life in your actions 6. Invite experts to give lectures from time to time, focusing on gender issues, discussing individuals' international communication or legal practice situations, etc., to increase the thinking scope of the principal course. 7. Introduction to the legal analysis of the nature related to information due to the arrival of information network society

課程概述 Course Description

1.倫理道德與專業知能力。 2.語文能力、資訊素養與人際互動技巧。 3.獨立批判思考、分析技巧與解決問題的能力。 4.欣賞人文藝術的能力與尊重生命的態度。 5.中道的價值觀及關懷服務的熱忱。 6.國際視野與多元文化的素養。 7.終身學習的意願及能力。
1. Ethics and morality and professional knowledge. 2. Language ability, information cultivation and interactive skills. 3. Independent critical thinking, analytical skills and problem-solving ability. 4. Appreciate the ability to appreciate humanistic art and the attitude of respecting life. 5. The value and enthusiasm of the middle way and the enthusiasm of relevant services. 6. The cultivation of international vision and multiculturalism. 7. The intention and ability to learn in the end.

參考書目 Reference Books

一、 李太正、王海南、法治斌、陳連順、黃源盛、嚴厥安,法學入門,元照出版,2006.06
二、 Richard A. Posner,性與理性(上)(下),桂冠出版,2002.06。
三、 瞿同祖,中國法律與中國社會,里仁出版,1994.10。
四、 何勤華,外國法制史,韋伯文化出版,2004.01。

1. Li Taizheng, Wang Hainan, Fazhibin, Chen Liantong, Huang Yuansheng, and Jing Jue'an. Law study is entered, Yuanzhao Published, 2006.06
2. Richard A. Posner, Sex and Reason (Part 1) (Part 2), Laurent Publishing, 2002.06.
3. Qu Tongzu, Chinese Law and Chinese Society, Liren Published, 1994.10.
4. He Qinhua, History of Foreign Legal Systems, Published by Weibo Culture, 2004.01.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final division report
40 以組(整體報告表現)及個人(組員各自負責部分)為單位評分,評分項目包括書面及口頭報告兩部分。
Classroom performance
30 出席次數計分
30 以組(結論)及個人(訪問)為單位評分

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[M101]
授課教師 Teacher:吳菁盈
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:教師自主加選。二教區上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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