course information of 103 - 2 | 3352 Culture and Modern Society(社會:文化與現代社會)

Taught In English3352 - 社會:文化與現代社會 Culture and Modern Society

教育目標 Course Target

文化,如宗教或道德,長久以來常被視為不具有特定體系或形構的社會現象。正因如此,於現代社會中,文化現象乃與階級、地位、經濟,甚至社會組織,有著無可區隔的關係。某一種經濟或社會決定論的說法,也於是成了過往研究中不可說的秘密。然而,於1980年代之後,特殊的時代、歷史變革使得舊有的社會體制面臨瓦解,幹根深蒂固的分析框架也從而經歷無法繼續的困境。階級、地位與經濟資本等概念,逐漸地消失於文化分析的研究之中。於此,文化似乎有一個重獲新生的可能。只是,這種新生的契機,卻揭露出兩個以往常為人們忽視的問題: 一是,文化概念即使有漫長的歷史根源,其歷經的社會變革也相當繁瑣,但今日所我們經常使用、論述的文化概念,卻可能不如想像的漫長,其所涉入的社會、歷史背景雖屬繁瑣、複雜,但這是相關的脈絡卻可能不涉及原有預定的理路。可以說,應對俗民的文化形式以及界定俗民的文化形式,才是現代社會中文化問題的真正起源。於是,順應著俗民文化的轉變以及大眾化的文化實作,文化的研究乃出現於現代的學院。 其次,於漫長的西方歷史之中(甚至非西方的歷史),權力、金錢與文化三者一直都依著甚為緊密的方式,進行扣連。文化本身的理性化與體系化,更是早於權力與金錢等社會現象。所以,當我們嘗試重新檢視文化現象所具有的特殊邏輯,後於階級與階層的分析方式似乎無法真確地引導著我們窺見文化的秘密。如何進行文化的研究,或是一個需要認真思考的問題。 除卻上述兩個常為人們忽視的問題,當我們更加仔細考察文化現象所歷經的歷史、社會變革之時,可以發現,文化概念或文化現象之於人類本能之慾望/基本處境,似乎常呈現出一種必然且辯證之關係(無論這種必然且辯證之關係,是以規範或昇華的過程,定位之)。也就是說,引導人們渡過生死愛惡欲所引致的總總苦痛與愉悅經驗,可能是文化現象的真正精神所在。因此,文化的作用/效果總是被歸類成具有教化、社會化、精緻化的社會活動。只是,上述這種看法是否已過度地簡化、窄化文化現象所能呈現的複雜度與鬥爭屬性? 著眼於上述,本課程依著三個主題,簡介文化概念與現代社會之間的關係:一、於應對通俗文化的歷史轉變過程之中,文化現象如何被概念化?二、如果文化現象具有相對自主且特殊之運作邏輯,那麼何謂文化現象所相應的承載者、技藝與場域究竟指涉何物。三、當日常生活成為文化現象所立基的社會場景,日常生活之中的瑣碎事物如何揭露出文化操作、文化競爭的若干跡証?Culture, such as religion or morality, has been often seen for a long time as social phenomena without a specific system or form. Because of this, in modern society, cultural phenomena are inseparable from level, status, economy, and even social organizations. A certain economic or social decision-making theory has become an indescribable secret in past research. However, after the 1980s, special times and historical changes caused the old social system to collapse, and the deep-rooted analytical framework also experienced an unsustainable dilemma. Concepts such as level, status and economic capital have gradually disappeared from the research of cultural analysis. Here, culture seems to have a possibility to regain new life. However, this new generation of deeds reveals two problems that were often overlooked by people: First, even if cultural concepts have long historical roots, their social changes are quite complex. However, the cultural concepts we often use and describe today may not be as long as imagined. Although the social and historical backgrounds they involve are complex and complex, this is a related structure and may not involve the original predetermined logic. It can be said that the cultural forms of folks and the cultural forms that define folks are the real origins of cultural issues in modern society. Therefore, cultural research emerged in modern colleges, in line with the transformation of folk culture and the popular cultural works. Secondly, in the long Western history (even non-Western history), power, money and culture have always been closely linked. The rationalization and systematicization of culture itself are earlier than social phenomena such as power and money. So, when we try to re-examine the special logics of cultural phenomena, the subsequent analysis at the level and level seems to be unable to truly guide the secrets of culture. How to conduct cultural research, or a question that needs to be thought about seriously. In addition to the above two problems that are often overlooked by people, when we examine the historical and social changes that cultural phenomena are more carefully, we can find that cultural concepts or cultural phenomena seem to often present a necessary and verified relationship (regardless of this inevitable and verified relationship, it is based on the rules or the process of success, and it is positioned). In other words, guiding people through the total pain and joy caused by the love of life and death may be the true spirituality of cultural phenomena. Therefore, the role/effect of culture is always classified as an educational, socialized, and refined social activities. However, has the above view been too simplified and narrowed the complexity and fighting properties that can be presented by cultural phenomena? Focusing on the above, this course covers three topics to introduce the relationship between cultural concepts and modern society: 1. How can cultural phenomena be conceptualized in the historical transformation process of popular culture? 2. If the cultural phenomenon has relatively independent and special operating logic, then what exactly does the carrier, technology and field that the cultural phenomenon correspond to refer to? 3. When daily life becomes the social scene that is based on cultural phenomena, how do the fragmented things in daily life reveal some of the consequences of cultural operations and cultural competition?

課程概述 Course Description

The general course is different from the professional course, and it focuses on guiding students to actively care, explore and understand the ultimate value and wisdom of human beings. At the same time, the knowledge provided by the general course is not the purity of the professional course, but the basic knowledge with a strong sense of reality. Our school has established four basic qualities for general education based on the concept of creating school traditions, school training and management: seeking truth, trustworthiness, striving for general education, and implementing the ideal of general education in our school in a specific way. I hope that students of this school can develop the spirit of independent learning, and under the guidance of general course teachers, they will gradually cultivate their basic qualities of general education, and look forward to finally learning. Various basic qualities are cultivated and have specific indicators for self-verification of teaching and learning results. They are divided into the following: Truth-seeking and nourishing (nature domain): 1. Learn the methods or philosophy of natural sciences to explore the subtleties of physics and the world of life, 2. Develop the spirit of doing things, 3. Be able to participate in public affairs related to scientific topics. Relief and nourishment (humanity field): 1. Learn the humanistic spirit to explore the deep value of inner self and leading human civilization, 2. Develop self-discipline spirit, 3. Be able to use rationality to conduct moral reasoning. Practice and cultivate (social field): 1. Use social science methods or philosophy to stimulate students' listening and communication skills, 2. Accept and respect for diversity and differences, 3. Realize the spirit of democratic review. Hongtong basic cultivation (cross-domain): 1. Pursuing the overall value of human beings, 2. Integrating truth-seeking, trustworthiness, and action in personal life. Courses in various fields can be selected across learning performance indicators without being restricted.

參考書目 Reference Books

Ranciere, Jacques (1989) The Nights of Labor: The Workers Dream in Nineteenth-Century France, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Hell, Victor. (1988). 文化概念. 康新文, 曉文譯. 上海人民。
Arnold, Matthew. (1867/2002)文化與無政府狀態. 韓敏中譯. 北京:三聯書店。
Tylor, Edward Burnett.(1871/2004)原始文化. 桂林:廣西師範大學。
Marx, Karl. (1845)德意志意識型態,馬克思恩格斯全集第3卷。
Durkheim, Emile. and Marcel Mauss (1903/2005) 原始分類.上海人民出版社。
Freud, Sigmund. (1929/2003) 文明及其不滿.收錄於一種幻想的未來及文明及其不滿.河北教育出版社。
Eliot, T. S.(1994) 傳統與個人才能;批評的功能。選自艾略特文學論文集。
Lukacs (1923)歷史與階級意識.商務出版社。
Gramsci (1929-1935)獄中雜記.人民出版社。
Benjamin, Walter. (1936/2001) 機械複製時代的藝術作品,中國城市出版社。
Adorno, Theodor. and Max Horkheimer. (1944/2006) 啟蒙辯證法 上海人民出版社。
Williams, Raymond. (1958/1991)文化與社會 1780-1950.北京大學出版社。
Thompson, E. P. (2002) 共有的習慣. 上海人民出版社。
Hebdige, Dick. (1979/2009). 亞文化 風格的意義. 北京大學出版社。
Lamont, Michele(編)比較文化社會學的再思考. 中華書局。
Elias, Norbert.臨終者的孤寂. 群學出版社。
Bourdieu, Pierre. (2001) 藝術的法則——文學場的生成和結構.中央編譯出版社。
Bauman, Z. (2001) 立法者與闡釋者.上海人民出版社。
Ranciere, Jacques (1989) The Nights of Labor: The Workers Dream in Nineteenth-Century France, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Hell, Victor. (1988). Cultural concept. Kang Xinwen, Xiaowen. Shanghai people.
Arnold, Matthew. (1867/2002) Culture and no government status. Korean Mind China translation. Beijing: Sanlian Bookstore.
Tylor, Edward Burnett. (1871/2004) Primitive culture. Guilin: Guangxi Master University.
Marx, Karl. (1845) German Identity Type, Complete Works of Marx and Engels Vol. 3.
Durkheim, Emile. and Marcel Mauss (1903/2005) Original category. Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Freud, Sigmund. (1929/2003) Civilization and its dissatisfaction. It contains a fantasy future and civilization and its dissatisfaction. Hebei Education Press.
Eliot, T. S. (1994) Traditional and personal talent; critical function. Selected from the collection of Eliott Literature.
Lukacs (1923) History and Level Ideology. Business Press.
Gramsci (1929-1935) The People's Publishing House.
Benjamin, Walter. (1936/2001) Artworks from the era of mechanical reproduction, China Urban Publishing House.
Adorno, Theodor. and Max Horkheimer. (1944/2006) Encouragement of the Certification Law Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Williams, Raymond. (1958/1991) Culture and Society 1780-1950. Beijing University Press.
Thompson, E. P. (2002) Shared habits. Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Hebdige, Dick. (1979/2009). Asian Culture The meaning of style. Beijing University Press.
Lamont, Michele (editor) Rethinking about comparing cultural and social sciences. China Bookstore.
Elias, Norbert. The Endors' Loneliness. Group Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre. (2001) Art Laws—The Generation and Structure of Literature Fields. Central Editorial Publishing House.
Bauman, Z. (2001) Legislator and Ghost. Shanghai People's Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

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學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[H103]
授課教師 Teacher:林峰燦
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:社會系2183雙掛10人 教師自主加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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