從八大藝術的見解開始,到中國、台灣、日本以及西洋美術名作的介紹與欣賞的方式,以平面繪畫為主,立體雕塑為輔,探討人類的美術作品與作品解析。Starting from the insights of the eight major arts, to the introduction and appreciation of Chinese, Taiwan, Japanese and Western art masterpieces, focusing on two-dimensional paintings and supplemented by three-dimensional sculptures, it explores human art works and work analysis.
1. Jiang Xun<
2. Li Lincan<
3. Zhang Xinlong <
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告、出席率期中報告、出席率 Midterm report, attendance rate |
50 | 缺課達三分之一即扣考 |
期末考試期末考試 final exam |
50 |