course information of 103 - 2 | 3177 Humanities: Buddhist Thought and(人文:佛學思想與生命實證)

Taught In English3177 - 人文:佛學思想與生命實證 Humanities: Buddhist Thought and

教育目標 Course Target

希望藉由本課程之研習,學生能: 1.對佛學思想有其基本認識。 2.了解「佛教」在中土發展之歷史及其文化意義。 3.重新認識「語言」之價值及其意義。 4.重新認識「生死」之價值及其意義。 5.重新認識「自我」之價值及其意義。 6.重新建立「中國思維體系」中之「佛家圖式」─探討外來文化與本土文化之相互交融及其整體文化發展之創造性。 7.在修習「佛學」之後,能啟發思維、拓展人生視野及其創造力。 其生命總體目標為: 1. 使學生對佛學思想有深入的認識,以釐清錯誤之觀念與刻板印象。 2. 使學生了解「佛學」對中國思想與文化發展上的影響性。 3. 使學生能因其所學而發揮其思考能力並且應用在實際的生活上。 4. 可以對自我生命之價值及其觀點進行全新的思考與評估。It is hoped that through studying this course, students can: 1. Have a basic understanding of Buddhist thought. 2. Understand the history of the development of "Buddhism" in China and its cultural significance. 3. Re-understand the value and meaning of "language". 4. Re-understand the value and significance of "life and death". 5. Re-recognize the value and meaning of "self". 6. Re-establish the "Buddhist schema" in the "Chinese thinking system" - explore the mutual integration of foreign culture and local culture and the creativity of the overall cultural development. 7. After practicing "Buddhism", it can inspire thinking, expand life horizons and creativity. His overall goals in life are: 1. To enable students to gain an in-depth understanding of Buddhist thought and to clarify misconceptions and stereotypes. 2. To enable students to understand the influence of "Buddhism" on the development of Chinese thought and culture. 3. Enable students to use what they have learned to think and apply it in real life. 4. Able to think and evaluate the value of one’s own life and its viewpoints in a new way.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Selected readings from the Agama Sutra.
2. Selected readings from the Diamond Sutra.
3. Selected readings from "The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra".
4. Selected readings from "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Universal Door".
5. "Heart Sutra" reading book.
6. Selected readings from the Vimalakīrti Sutra.
7. Selected readings from "Dafang Guangfo Huayan Sutra".
8. Selected readings from the Lotus Sutra.
9. Selected readings from "The Sixth Patriarch's Altar Sutra".
10. Selected readings of Zen koans.
11. Lu Chen: "Introduction to Chinese Buddhist Thought" (Taipei: Tianhua Publishing House, 1999).
12. Yu Lingbo: "A Concise Introduction to Buddhism" (Taipei: Dongda Books, 1991).
13. Tang Yongtong: "History of Buddhism in Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties" (Taipei: Camel Publishing, 1994).
14. (Russian) Sherbatsky: "Buddhist Logic" (Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1997).
15. Lecture notes compiled by the teacher - an outline of the three major ideas of Chinese Buddhism: Huayan, Tiantai and Zen.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
20 無故缺席三次以上(含),學期成績以不及格計算。
midterm exam
25 申論題
final exam
25 申論題
Final report
30 報告題目: 用生命實證佛法─以自我生活經驗為例 / 字數要求:1500字以上 / 繳交日期:學期最後上課天

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/8,9[H207]
授課教師 Teacher:白恒旭
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:1F
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 49 人。

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