程序法為實現實體權利的途徑,民事訴訟法即為解決民事私法上實體權利義務爭議,以兼顧當事人的程序正義為旨而設。本課程設計的目的在於延續實體法之學習,透過熟悉民事訴訟的實務運用及體系,藉由案例的分析及闡釋,結合實體法與程序法,以奠定同學日後從事法學實務的能力。Procedural law is the way to realize physical rights, and civil litigation law is to resolve the dispute over practical rights in civil private law, and is designed to take the procedural justice of both parties to the parties for the purpose. The purpose of this course is to continue the learning of physical law, to be familiar with the practical use and system of civil lawsuits, and to combine physical law and procedural law through case analysis and reflection to establish the ability of classmates to learn practical practices in the future.
Civil pleading law must be discussed (by Yang Jianhua and added by Zheng Jiefu); by Wu Ming, civil pleading law (above, middle, and bottom)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
35 | 案件實例申論題 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
35 | 債編總論與民事訴訟會考 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
30 | 小組討論、上課出席及平常成績 |