3.培訓學員整合資源,處理危機,完成參與式「社區景觀圓夢⾏動計畫」的實踐⼒。1. Training students are mainly engaged in residents, observe communities, consolidate social situation information, and execute judgments.
2. Cultivate the ability of students to diagnose questions, formulate strategies, guide community participation, and plan community shared vision.
3. Training students integrate resources, handle crisis, and complete the practical strength of participating "Community Landscape Dream Action Plan".
1. 課堂隨堂講義,請從教學平台下載,事先閱讀。
3.【畫個圖講得更清楚】,Nabeel Hamid 等合著,張恆甫 等合譯,2010,台北:時報文化出版。
1. For lectures in class, please download them from the teaching platform and read them in advance.
2. [Friendly Space: Participation-style Construction of Creative Dialogue], Zheng Huanger, 2002, Taipei: Garden City Culture Publishing.
3. [Book a picture to explain more clearly], co-authored by Nabeel Hamid et al., combined by Zhang Hengfu et al., 2010, Taipei: Times Culture Publishing.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出缺席出缺席 Absent |
10 | 請假請養成習慣事先以書⾯請⽼師簽核。無故缺席達5次,總成績以零分計。無故缺席1次扣總成績2 分,無故遲到扣總成績0.5分,全勤加5分。 |
課堂表現-Speak out, 隨堂預習及反思小作業課堂表現-Speak out, 隨堂預習及反思小作業 Classroom presentation-Speak out, small works of previewing and reflection in the classroom |
30 | 1、態度積極、專注,2、發言、分 享,3、幫助他人學習,4、討論期 中、期末簡報,5、以0.5分為基本單 位 |
期中實作報告期中實作報告 Mid-term actual report |
25 | 景觀圓夢行動計畫初稿,執⾏細則上課共同討論。 |
期末實作報告期末實作報告 Final period implementation report |
35 | 景觀圓夢行動計畫及工具書,執⾏細則上課共同討論。 |