透過體力激盪術開發出符合使用者體驗的全新互動產品或介面。Develop new interactive products or interfaces that fit the user experience through physical stimulation.
本課程為畢業專題,旨在訓練學生將三年所學綜合予以應用,或,針對個人設計旨趣深入探討,並將研究結果透過驗證的過程予以實現。其目標為: 1. 採分組指導制,落實師徒精髓專精所學。 2. 採階段性發表,以凝聚概念構想並探討設計的價值與可行性。 3. 從資料蒐集、分析、歸納入手,設計概念發想展開,以迄精緻模型製作與呈現。
This course is a graduation project designed to train students to apply what they have learned in three years, or to conduct in-depth discussions on personal design interests, and to implement the research results through a verification process. Its goals are: 1. Adopt a group guidance system to implement the essence and expertise of masters and apprentices. 2. Publish in stages to gather conceptual ideas and explore the value and feasibility of the design. 3. Starting from data collection, analysis, and summary, the design concept is developed, and finally refined models are produced and presented.
Self-compiled handouts
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
設計創意與可行性設計創意與可行性 Design creativity and feasibility |
50 | 獨創性與可行性 |
產品設計完成度產品設計完成度 Product design completion |
40 | 成品細節與精緻度 |
學習熱忱與態度學習熱忱與態度 Enthusiasm and attitude towards learning |
10 | 課堂表現與互動,出缺勤狀況 |