course information of 103 - 2 | 2866 Marketing Perception in Design(設計的市場思維)

Taught In English2866 - 設計的市場思維 Marketing Perception in Design

教育目標 Course Target

冀望透過此課程,延展工業設計科系學生於產品開發訓練歷程中的實務觸角, 讓設計行為在創意發展的想像氛圍裡,增添商業環境對於產品開發的嚴肅期待觀點, 強化商業環境對創新商品於市場價值反應的績效態度。 商品設計的最終要能透過銷售達成,設計師除了企劃能力,設計能力、國際觀, 對於產品市場以及商品銷售必須要有基礎概念,才能橫向溝通發揮設計創意的最佳價值, 為公司及商品謀取最大效益。 本課程藉由如何看市場 / 了解營銷人員銷售語言 / 認識如何銷售商品, 來反思如何利用設計服務,來協助達成設計商品的銷售,以講師與客戶接觸的經驗, 希望帶給設計系學生設計的市場概念。I hope that through this course, I will extend the practical touch of industrial design students in product development training. Let design behavior add to the imaginative atmosphere of creative development, and add to the business environment's serious expectations for product development. Strengthen the effectiveness of the business environment in response to the market value of innovative products. The ultimate goal of product design must be achieved through sales. In addition to planning capabilities, designers have design capabilities and international viewing. There must be a basic concept for the product market and commodity sales in order to communicate and develop the best value for design creativity. Get the maximum benefits for the company and the products. This course uses how to view the market / to understand the language of selling by marketing personnel / to understand how to sell goods, To reflect on how to use design services to help achieve the sales of design products, to explain the experience of contacting customers, I hope to bring the market concept to design students in the design department.

課程概述 Course Description

商品設計的最終要能透過銷售達成,設計師除了企劃能力,設計能力、國際觀,對於產品市場以及商品銷售必須要有基礎概念,才能橫向溝通發揮設計創意的最佳價值,為公司及商品謀取最大效益。 本課程藉由如何看市場/了解營銷人員銷售語言/認識如何銷售商品,來反思如何利用設計服務,來協助達成設計商品的銷售,以講師與客戶接觸的經驗,希望帶給設計系學生設計的市場概念。 課程基礎 1.從認識銷售業務/銷售商品,體驗商品市場價值 2.建構設計的%
The ultimate goal of product design must be achieved through sales. In addition to planning capabilities, designers must have basic concepts for product markets and product sales in order to communicate and develop the best value of design creativity and maximize benefits for the company and products. This course reflects on how to use design services to help achieve the sales of design products by looking at the market/understanding the language of marketing personnel/understanding how to sell products, and reflects on how to use design services to help achieve the sales of design products, and teaches the experience of contacting customers with customers. It hopes to bring the market concept of design students to design. Course Basics 1. From the knowledge of sales business/selling products, experience the market value of the goods 2. % of the structure design

參考書目 Reference Books

產品設計與開發/Product Design and Development,2nd ed.
作者﹧Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger
出版﹧MC Graw Hill,2002

策略地圖/Strategy Maps
作者﹧Robert S. & David P. Norton

產品經理的第一本書/The Product Manager’s Handbook
作者﹧Linda Gorchels
出版﹧MC Graw Hill,2006

作者:神田範明/著 譯者:陳耀茂 出版社:中衛

作者:凱薩琳.貝斯特 原文作者:Kathryn Best 出版社:麥浩斯
Product Design and Development,2nd ed.
Author ﹧Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger
Translator ﹧家官网, Dai Huating
Published by MC Graw Hill, 2002

Strategy Maps/Strategy Maps
Author ﹧Robert S. & David P. Norton
Translator﹧chen Zhengwen, etc.
Publishing﹧威地地, 2004

The Product Manager’s Handbook
Author ﹧Linda Gorchels
Translator﹧Wedding Equipment
Published by MC Graw Hill, 2006

Seven tools for product planning (quick understanding): Developing a new product tool set
Author: Kanda Yoshimi/Author: Chen Yaomao Publisher: China

Management Design: Key Competitiveness for Creative Profit
Author: Kaiserine. Bester Original author: Kathryn Best Publisher: McHouse

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Works in the Hall
50 課堂間的作業練習
Final report
40 期末的商品提案報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/10,11[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:李俊宏
修課班級 Class:工設系3
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者(限5名),請至工設系登記.
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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