course information of 103 - 2 | 2844 History of Design(設計史)

Taught In English2844 - 設計史 History of Design

教育目標 Course Target

本課本課程旨在針對設計初學者介紹自工業革命(1750∼1825)以迄之西洋工業設計發展簡史,並對各種風格(STYLE)之特徵、思想及演變作一介紹,並輔以技術、科技、材料、社會、心理之變遷。使習者對各種風格特徵、代表性設計師設計理念、重要作品等有初步之認識與瞭解。 課程除上課演講外,並準備豐富之多媒體、影片教材以及設計史料資料庫(書籍、檔案…)供習者查閱、作為輔助教材,以使初習者融會貫通。This course aims to introduce the development history of Western industrial design from the Industrial Revolution (1750-1825) to the Industrial Revolution (1750-1825), and introduce the characteristics, ideas and evolution of various styles (STYLE), and use technology, technology, materials, society and psychology to change. Enable the operator to have a preliminary understanding and understanding of various style characteristics, representative designer design concepts, important works, etc. In addition to the lectures, the course is also prepared for rich multimedia, video textbooks, and design historical materials databases (books, files...) for users to check and serve as auxiliary teaching materials, so that new students can understand.

課程概述 Course Description

This course aims to introduce the development history of Western industrial design from the Industrial Revolution (1750-1825) to the Industrial Revolution (1750-1825), and introduce the characteristics, ideas and evolution of various styles (STYLE), and use technology, technology, materials, society and psychology to change. Enable the operator to have a preliminary understanding and understanding of various style characteristics, representative designer design concepts, important works, etc.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Kjetil Fallan, Design History: Understanding Theory and Method, Berg Publishers, 2010
2. Laura Slack, What is Product Design, RotoVision, 2006
3. Guy Julier, The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Design Since 1900, Second Edition, Thames & Hudson;
2 edition,2005
4. Penny Sparke, An Introduction to Design and Culture: 1900 to the Present, Routledge, 2004
5. David Raizman, History of Modern Design, Prentice Hall, 2003
6. 林銘煌,工業設計思潮_設計思潮與產品造型系列第一部,全華科技圖書,2003
7. Bernhard E. Burdek, Design: The History, Theory and Practice of Product Design, Birkhäuser
Architecture, 2001
8. ed.Charlotte & Peter Fiell, Designing the 21st Century, TASCHEN GmbH, 2001
9. Catherine McDermott, 20th Century Design, Cerlton Books, 1998
10. 王受之, 世界現代設計, 藝術家出版社, 1997
11. 盧永毅、羅小未/著,工業設計史,田園城市,1997
12. Thomas Hauffe, Design: An Illustrated Historical Overview, Barrons Educational Series,1996

1. Frank Whitford, The Face of the Twentieth Century: Bauhaus (ArtHaus - Art and Design Series), Color,DVD,NTSC, 2010
2. Objectified, Color, Dolby, DVD, NTSC, Subtitled, Widescreen, 2009
1. Kjetil Fallan, Design History: Understanding Theory and Method, Berg Publishers, 2010
2. Laura Slack, What is Product Design, RotoVision, 2006
3. Guy Julier, The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Design Since 1900, Second Edition, Thames & Hudson;
2 edition,2005
4. Penny Sparke, An Introduction to Design and Culture: 1900 to the Present, Routledge, 2004
5. David Raizman, History of Modern Design, Prentice Hall, 2003
6. Lin Yanhuang, Industrial Design Trends_The first part of the design Trends and Product Styling Series, Quanhua Technology Book, 2003
7. Bernhard E. Burdek, Design: The History, Theory and Practice of Product Design, Birkhäuser
Architecture, 2001
8. ed.Charlotte & Peter Fiell, Designing the 21st Century, TASCHEN GmbH, 2001
9. Catherine McDermott, 20th Century Design, Cerlton Books, 1998
10. Wang Suzhi, Modern World Design, Artist Publishing House, 1997
11. Lu Yongyi and Luo Xiaowei/written, Industrial Design History, Garden City, 1997
12. Thomas Hauffe, Design: An Illustrated Historical Overview, Barrons Educational Series,1996

1. Frank Whitford, The Face of the Twentieth Century: Bauhaus (ArtHaus - Art and Design Series), Color, DVD, NTSC, 2010
2. Objectified, Color, Dolby, DVD, NTSC, Subtitled, Widescreen, 2009

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm and final exams
40 筆試、Open Book
Normal operation achievements
30 課堂相關指定作業
Final learning experience report
Participation in the previous class
10 上課缺席乙次,扣平時成績2分;遲到扣平時成績1分;缺席達五次即予扣考。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:陳進富
修課班級 Class:工設系1
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者(限5名),請至工設系登記.
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 41 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 41 人。

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