course information of 103 - 2 | 2795 Introduction to Urban Design(都市設計概論)

Taught In English2795 - 都市設計概論 Introduction to Urban Design

教育目標 Course Target

This module aims to synergize theoretical and professional knowledge through applied analytical and design skills necessary to understand the encompassing nature and complex processes of urban designing. This module has the following objectives: 1. It seeks to strengthen students’ ability to understand the dynamic relations involving architectural cultures, forms, functions and meanings that urban design types and designing nature operate; 2. It seeks to equip students with comprehensive analytical skills for conducting urban design; and 3. It is aimed at develop and hone student’s ability to form integrated spatial structures and masterplans that serve to syntegrate between various core design discipline and their roles in shaping future built environmental design.This module aims to synergize theoretical and professional knowledge through applied analytical and design skills necessary to understand the encompassing nature and complex processes of urban design. This module has the following objectives: 1. It seeks to strengthen students’ ability to understand the dynamic relationships involving architectural cultures, forms, functions and meanings that urban design types and designing nature operate; 2. It seeks to equip students with comprehensive analytical skills for conducting urban design; and 3. It is aimed at develop and hone student’s ability to form integrated spatial structures and masterplans that serve to syntegrate between various core design discipline and their roles in shaping future built environmental design.

課程概述 Course Description

作為一門專業必備的discipline課程,本課程接續四年級上學期的「都市計畫」課,將進一步帶領修課同學認識都市,並由其中理解專業者可以以何種角色介入都市空間的改善。 課程首先回顧近代都市空間設計/規劃領域的一些理念先行者、以及都市空間設計的具體實踐經驗來理解「都市設計」這一門專業;亦即,將我們過去一度聽聞過的都市設計流派與其創生的空間形式放回其被生產的時空,以及其所面對的都市情境,協助同學理解「『都市設計』這個專業為何而生?」、「到底為何而設計?」。其次,本課程則將透過都市計畫及建築技術規則(by-laws)所提供的種種管制工具,模擬介入城市的發展與變遷;亦即,熟悉「都市可以如何被設計?」。在進行前述的歷史回顧的同時,則透過學期報告的實際操作,以五都選舉後的台北、新北、台中、高雄四個都會區的都會與區域為關照的對象,讓同學將上、下兩學期之所學收攏於三月底的都市空間檢討報告之中。 因此,本課程將透過三條主線趨近都市設計專業: 1. 由都市設計論述發展的時空中理解都市設計 • 何種歷史或社會的因素催生了各不同年代的都市設計論述? • 不同的都市設計論述意圖解決的都市問題為何? • 論述如何實踐其自身?透過誰?透過何種政策?論述實踐過程中可依附的社會經濟土壤為何? • 論述實踐的過程的扭曲以及設計與權力/利益選擇性的親近 • 全球化脈絡下都市新議程(agenda)的形成與典範的轉移(paradigm shift) 2. 由實質空間的解讀/尺度感的建立去掌握都市設計的操作工具 • 開發單元/建築線與街廓尺度的掌握 • 歷史街區的保存與窳漏地區的更新 • 以空間形式介入城市改革 3. 由永續角度體檢/理解當下都市空間設計
As a necessary discipline course for professionals, this course continues with the four-year "Urban Planning" course, which will further lead students to learn about the city and understand what roles professionals can use to intervene in the improvement of urban space. The course first looks back at some pioneers in the modern urban space design/planning field, as well as the specific experience of urban space design to understand the profession of "urban design"; that is, put the urban design genre we once heard of in the past and the space they have created back to the time and space they are produced, and the urban situation they face, helping students understand "Why did the profession of "urban design" come from?" and "Why did it design?". Secondly, this course will simulate the development and change of cities through the control tools provided by urban planning and construction technology regulations (by-laws); that is, be familiar with "how can cities be designed?". While conducting the aforementioned historical review, through the actual operation of the school period report, the urban and regional areas of Taipei, New Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, selected by the five metropolitan areas, will be subject to the relevant reference, so that students will receive the urban space review report for the first and second periods of study at the end of March. Therefore, this course will be based on three main lines of urban design professions: 1. Understanding urban design in the time and space of urban design development • What historical or social factors have spawned urban design arguments in different eras? • What are the urban problems solved by different urban design speculations? • How does the argument actually reflect itself? Through who? What policy? What is the social economic soil that can be attached to during the actual inspection process? • Discuss the distortion of the actual process and the closeness of design and power/interest selection • The formation of agenda under the globalization structure and the paradigm shift (paradigm shift) 2. Master the operational tools of urban design from the interpretation of the actual space/establishment sense of scale • Master the scale of the development unit/building line and street structure • Preservation of historical streets and the update of the dirt area • Intervening in urban reform in the form of space 3. Review/understanding of the current urban space design from a permanent perspective

參考書目 Reference Books

Suggested lists (Group reading list and reporting schedule allocation: TBA)

Stein, Jay (ed.) (1995) Classic Readings in Urban Planning – An Introduction. NY: McGraw-Hill Inc.
Kreiger, Alex (2006) “Where and How Does Urban Design Happen?,” in Harvard Design Magazine, Spring/Summer, Pp.64 – 71.
Lang, Jon (2005) Urban Design: A typology of Procedures and Products. Illustrated with over 50 Case Studies. MA: Architectural Press.
Cuthbert, Alexander (ed.) (2003) Designing Cities: Critical Readings in Urban Design. MA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
_________________(2011) Understanding Cities: Method in Urban Design. NY: Routledge.
Larice, M., and Macdonald, E. (eds.) (2007) The Urban Design Reader. NY: Routledge. (esp. Part 3 – place theory; Part 4- place making; Part 5- typomorphology.)
Frick, D. (2007) ‘Spatial Synergy and Supportiveness of Public Space.’ Journal of Urban Design, Vol. 12, No. 2, Pp. 261-74.
Suggested lists (Group reading list and reporting schedule allocation: TBA)

Stein, Jay (ed.) (1995) Classic Readings in Urban Planning – An Introduction. NY: McGraw-Hill Inc.
Kreiger, Alex (2006) “Where and How Does Urban Design Happen?,” in Harvard Design Magazine, Spring/Summer, Pp.64 – 71.
Lang, Jon (2005) Urban Design: A typology of Procedures and Products. Illustrated with over 50 Case Studies. MA: Architectural Press.
Cuthbert, Alexander (ed.) (2003) Designing Cities: Critical Readings in Urban Design. MA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
____________________(2011) Understanding Cities: Method in Urban Design. NY: Routledge.
Larice, M., and Macdonald, E. (eds.) (2007) The Urban Design Reader. NY: Routledge. (esp. Part 3 – place theory; Part 4- place making; Part 5- typomorphology.)
Frick, D. (2007) ‘Spatial Synergy and Supportiveness of Public Space.’ Journal of Urban Design, Vol. 12, No. 2, Pp. 261-74.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
10 Additional marks will be awarded in each class for efforts to participate
60 Concept Clarity; Analytical Organisation; Design and Innovation; and Criticality
Individual ImprovementsIndividual Improvements
Individual improvements
30 Communication; Preparedness; and Confidence

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[LAN004]
授課教師 Teacher:邱國維
修課班級 Class:建築系4,碩1
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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