course information of 103 - 2 | 2785 Architectural Design Studio (IV)(建築設計習作(四))

Taught In English2785 - 建築設計習作(四) Architectural Design Studio (IV)

教育目標 Course Target

1. 練習在設計思考之中,整合設計概念、物理環境與建築系統 (結構、構造 …) 等課題。 2. 透過建築介面的設計練習,統合處理造型、物理因素 (光線、空氣、水 …) 與構造。 3. 透過空間組成 (機能的組織、形式的構成 …) 的設計練習,統合處理造型、計劃 (機能) 與結構。1. Practice integrating design concepts, physical environment and building systems (structure, construction...) and other topics in design thinking. 2. Through architectural interface design exercises, integrate the processing of shape, physical factors (light, air, water...) and structure. 3. Through the design exercises of spatial composition (functional organization, formal composition...), integrate the processing of shape, planning (function) and structure.

課程概述 Course Description

1.練習完成一個建築設計案 2.培養分析問題的能力 3.發展設計概念構思與執行的能力 4.初步學習整合建築機能與相關建築系統 5.學習觀察環境並加以回應 6.熟習建築元素與傢俱的尺度與表現方式 7.完成建築表現法的基本訓練
1. Practice completing an architectural design project 2. Cultivate the ability to analyze problems 3. Develop the ability to conceive and execute design concepts 4. Preliminarily learn to integrate building functions and related building systems 5. Learn to observe the environment and respond to it 6. Be familiar with architectural elements and The scale and expression of furniture 7. Complete the basic training of architectural expression method

參考書目 Reference Books

Ching, Francis D.K., 2008 / 2007,《形式、空間和序 (造形、空間與秩序) / Architecture : Form, Space, & Order》, 第三版, 劉從紅 譯, 天津: 天津大學出版社。
Clark, Roger H., 1996 / 2004,《建築典例》, 許麗淑、許尚健 譯, 台北: 六合出版社。
Deplazes, Andre ed., 2007 / 2005,《建構建築手冊 / Constructing Architecture : Materials Processes Structures, A Handbook》, 任錚鉞 譯, 大連理工大學出版社; Basel: Birkhäuser。
Lynch, Kevin & Hack, Gary,《敷地計畫 / Site Planning》(第三版), 張效通 譯,台北: 六合出版社。
Silver, Pete & McLean, Will, 2009 / 2008,《建築科技關鍵字101 / Introduction to Architectural Technology》, 楊曉芬 譯, 臺北: 積木出版社。
Von Meiss, Pierre, 2003 / 1993,《建築元素 / Elements of Architecture》, 趙夢琳 譯, 臺北: 詹氏書局。
日本建築學會 編, 2011,《世界建築的八種工學解剖》, 杜怡萱 等譯, 台北: 田園城市文化事業有限公司。
齋藤公男, 2013,《建築新觀點 : 日本第一結構社計師帶你看門道也看熱鬧》, 李豪軒譯, 臺北: 如同出版社有限公司。
Ching, Francis D.K., 2008 / 2007, Architecture: Form, Space, & Order, third edition, translated by Liu Conghong, Tianjin: Tianjin University Press.
Clark, Roger H., 1996/2004, "Architectural Examples", translated by Xu Lishu and Xu Shangjian, Taipei: Liuhe Publishing House.
Deplazes, Andre ed., 2007 / 2005, "Constructing Architecture: Materials Processes Structures, A Handbook", translated by Ren Zhengyue, Dalian University of Technology Press; Basel: Birkhäuser.
Lynch, Kevin & Hack, Gary, "Site Planning" (Third Edition), translated by Zhang Xiaotong, Taipei: Liuhe Publishing House.
Silver, Pete & McLean, Will, 2009 / 2008, "Architectural Technology Keywords 101 / Introduction to Architectural Technology", translated by Yang Xiaofen, Taipei: Jimu Publishing House.
Von Meiss, Pierre, 2003 / 1993, Elements of Architecture, translated by Zhao Menglin, Taipei: James Book Company.
Architectural Institute of Japan, ed., 2011, "Eight Engineering Anatomy of World Architecture", translated by Du Yixuan et al., Taipei: Garden City Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Kimio Saito, 2013, "New Viewpoints in Architecture: Japan's No. 1 Structural Architect Takes You to See the Entrance and the Fun", translated by Li Haoxuan, Taipei: Ru Publishing House Co., Ltd.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
學期總分 + 平常成績學期總分 + 平常成績
Semester total score + usual grades
100 詳細說明請參考紙本課程大綱。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-6
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8,9,Thursday/2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9[系館]
授課教師 Teacher:彭康健/郭文亮/鄭博仁/蘇睿弼/賴人碩/黃少妤
修課班級 Class:建築系2
選課備註 Memo:兼任12小時專任18小時含設計指導6小時
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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