course information of 103 - 2 | 2783 Architectural Design Studio (II)(建築設計習作(二))

Taught In English2783 - 建築設計習作(二) Architectural Design Studio (II)

教育目標 Course Target

實踐建築設計的前提,是能透過「轉寫」,具體呈現設計者對「時/空/事/物」的想像。一年級所要練習的「轉寫」重點有二 — 演繹與溝通。 1.「演繹」,是指在設計過程的不同階段之間,「有道理」的將腦海裡原本抽象、模糊的概念與想像,轉寫成具體的空間尺度與組織,實體元素的組構與排列。 2.「溝通」,則是指透過有意識並且有計劃的圖象與話語敘述,(narrative) 與自己的設計思維對話,同時也有條理、有重點的傳達給讀者。The premise of practical architecture design is to specifically present the designer's imagination of "time/empty/thing/thing" through "revolution". There are two key points of "revolution" to be practiced in the first grade - performance and communication. 1. "Evolution" refers to the original abstract and vague concepts and imaginations in the brain "reasonable" between different stages of the design process, which "reasonable" translates the original abstract and vague concepts and imaginations into specific spatial scales and structures, and the structure and arrangement of physical elements. 2. "Communication" refers to the narrative of the image and speech through intentional and planned design, and also has a rational and important expression to readers.

課程概述 Course Description

The premise of realizing architecture design is to present the designer's imagination of space and time in a concrete and efficient manner; the "revolution" technique to be practiced at the first-class level allows us to check the stage purpose, set "narrative" to "preview" the originally vague time and space imagination in the brain, and then we can review and adjust the original design plan and gradually move towards more in line with the expectations.

參考書目 Reference Books

Bachelard, Gaston, 2003,《空間詩學 / La Poetique L’espace》, 龔卓軍、王靜慧譯。台北:張老師出版社。
Ching, Francis D.K., 2008 / 2007,《形式、空間和秩序 (造形、空間與秩序) / Architecture : Form, Space, & Order》, 第三版, 劉從紅 譯, 天津: 天津大學出版社。
Silver, Pete & McLean, Will, 2009 / 2008,《建築科技關鍵字101 / Introduction to Architectural Technology》, 楊曉芬 譯, 臺北: 積木出版社。
Von Meiss, Pierre, 2003 / 1993,《建築元素 / Elements of Architecture》, 趙夢琳 譯, 臺北: 詹氏書局。
Bachelard, Gaston, 2003,《空間詩學 / La Poetique L’espace》, 龔卓軍、王靜慧譯。台北:張老師出版社。
Ching, Francis D.K., 2008 / 2007,《形式、空間和秩序 (造形、空間與秩序) / Architecture : Form, Space, & Order》, 第三版, 劉從紅 譯, 天津: 天津大學出版社。
Silver, Pete & McLean, Will, 2009 / 2008,《建築科技關鍵字101 / Introduction to Architectural Technology》, 楊曉芬 譯, 臺北: 積木出版社。
Von Meiss, Pierre, 2003 / 1993,《建築元素 / Elements of Architecture》, 趙夢琳 譯, 臺北: 詹氏書局。
塚本由晴, 2011,《窗,光與風與人的對話》, 黃碧君 譯, 台北: 臉譜出版社。
漢寶德, 2007,《認識建築》, 台北: 藝術家出版社。
Bachelard, Gaston, 2003, "Space Poetique / La Poetique L’espace", Wang Jinghui. Taipei: Mr. Zhang Publishing House.
Ching, Francis D.K., 2008 / 2007, "Form, Space and Order (Form, Space and Order) / Architecture: Form, Space, & Order", Third Edition, Liu Zhihong, Tianjin: Tianjin University Press.
Silver, Pete & McLean, Will, 2009 / 2008, "Architectural Technology Keyword 101 / Introduction to Architectural Technology", Yang Xiaofen Translation, Taipei: Lanmu Publishing House.
Von Meiss, Pierre, 2003 / 1993, "Elements of Architecture", Zhao Menglin Translation, Taipei: Zhan's Book Bureau.
Bachelard, Gaston, 2003, "Space Poetique / La Poetique L’espace", Wang Jinghui. Taipei: Mr. Zhang Publishing House.
Ching, Francis D.K., 2008 / 2007, "Form, Space and Order (Form, Space and Order) / Architecture: Form, Space, & Order", Third Edition, Liu Zhihong, Tianjin: Tianjin University Press.
Silver, Pete & McLean, Will, 2009 / 2008, "Architectural Technology Keyword 101 / Introduction to Architectural Technology", Yang Xiaofen Translation, Taipei: Lanmu Publishing House.
Von Meiss, Pierre, 2003 / 1993, "Elements of Architecture", Zhao Menglin Translation, Taipei: Zhan's Book Bureau.
Yuharu Tsukamoto, 2011, "Window, Light and Wind and People's Dialogue", Huang Bijun, Taipei: Face Publishing House.
Hanbaode, 2007, "Acquaintance with Architecture", Taipei: Artist Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
學期總分 + 平常成績學期總分 + 平常成績
Total points of the study period + normal results
100 請閱讀紙本〈一年級設計課程大綱〉

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-6
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8,9,Thursday/2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10[系館]
授課教師 Teacher:陳格理/劉克峰/葉朝憲/陳林蔚/凌 天
修課班級 Class:建築系1
選課備註 Memo:兼任12小時專任18小時含設計指導6小時
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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