1. 義大利文字母及特殊音節正確發音。
2. 義大利文基礎會話、民謠教唱與詩歌朗誦。
3. 熟習上網搜尋中、英、義文網站學習相關資訊。
4. 義大利文字彙翻譯及文學名著導讀。
5. 欣賞義大利城市介紹影片與原文DVD最佳外語名劇情電影片。1. Italian letters and special pronunciations are correctly pronounced.
2. Italian basics, folk songs and poems.
3. Be familiar with searching online for Chinese, English and Italian websites to learn related information.
4. Translation of Italian characters and reading of literary classics.
5. Appreciate the Italian city introduction video and original DVD best foreign drama plot video.
1. 主要讀本:
Corso Italiano perstranieri
《義文文法》(滿思謙編 光啟出版社)
2. 參考書目:
《歌劇舞台藝術─語韻篇》(陳思照著 樂韻出版社)
1. Main reading book:
Corso Italiano perstranieri
"Preliminary of the utilitarian language" (Standard Language Center)
"Illustrated Grammar" (edited by Fusizi Guangqi Publishing House)
2. Reference books:
"Practical Ideological and Han Dictionary" (Central Book Publishing House)
"Songsong Stage Art-Speech" (by Chen Sizhao, Leyi Publishing House)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
「平時成績」「平時成績」 "Pre-time performance" |
40 | 含上課出席率、學習態度及作業綜合評定。 |
「期中考」「期中考」 "Midterm exam" |
30 | 含筆試及口試。 |
「期末考」「期末考」 "Final exam" |
30 | 期末小組會話發表。 |