5.培養學生對浪漫及現代時期風格掌握;音樂演奏重點為何;浪漫及現代時期樂曲如何賞悉。1. Understand the complete and clear concepts of modern music in the history of woodwind instruments.
2. Understand the understanding that the "history of development" of woodwind instruments affects each other's mutual influence.
3. Establish the style characteristics and development of woodwind music in romantic and modern times
4. Cultivate students' understanding and analytical abilities of woodwind music in romantic and modern music works and styles.
5. Cultivate students to master romantic and modern styles; what are the key points of music performances; how to understand romantic and modern music.
The clarinet in the classical period /Albert R. Rice.
The flute book :a complete guide for students and performers /Nancy Toff.
An annotated bibliography of pulished works for flute, oboe, and clarinet /by Carolin Jane Ulrich.
The oboe /Geoffrey Burgess and Bruce Haynes.
Music for oboe, 1650-1800 :a bibliography /Bruce Haynes.
The clarinet in the classical period /Albert R. Rice.
The flute book :a complete guide for students and performers /Nancy Toff.
An annotated bibliography of published works for flute, oboe, and clarinet /by Carolin Jane Ulrich.
The oboe /Geoffrey Burgess and Bruce Haynes.
Music for oboe, 1650-1800 :a bibliography /Bruce Haynes.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
30 | 點名出席率 +課程參與積極度 |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
30 | 考試題型: 公開解說一首現代或浪漫時期樂曲 |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
40 | 考試題型:室內樂演出及分享及聽音考試 |