本課主要目的要加強學生對音樂的聽力,所以要求他們練習視唱曲調、練習聽各種不同的節奏、音高、和弦性質、旋律、對位的關係、和聲進行、曲式等聽音練法。學生聽力越強,音樂的了解與詮釋應該是越強。The main purpose of this course is to enhance students' listening to music, so they are required to practice singing and singing music, listening to various different rhythms, pitches, chord properties, melody, relationships of the position, voice movement, and musical styles. The stronger the students' hearing, the stronger the understanding and commentary of music should be.
Mark Manno: 飯田正紀著,<新曲。聽音的練習旋律篇/按照節奏體系>,全音樂譜出版社。
Ann K. Blombach. MacGAMUT 6 for Mac and Windows. MacGAMUT Music Software International. www.macgamut.com; J.S. Bach. 371 Vierstimmige Choralgesaenge. 全音樂譜出版社。
Mark Manno: written by Masato Yasuda,
Ann K. Blombach. MacGAMUT 6 for Mac and Windows. MacGAMUT Music Software International. www.macgamut.com; J.S. Bach. 371 Vierstimmige Choralgesaenge. All Music Summit Press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
MacGAMUT 練習MacGAMUT 練習 MacGAMUT Practice |
25 | 學生練音樂聽寫 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
20 | 包括參與、視唱不定期小考 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 | 聽寫 16%; 視唱 6%; 合唱 3% |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 聽寫 20%; 視唱 7%; 合唱 3% |