course information of 103 - 2 | 2635 Print Making (II)(版畫(二))

Taught In English2635 - 版畫(二) Print Making (II)

教育目標 Course Target

了解版畫藝術的類型.內涵與原則性格與鑑賞.比較版種的表現特徵.基本技法.與藝術表現融合應用. 有許多美術家對於版畫藝術有興趣,然苦於沒機 會嘗試製作,且同時仍有不少人認為版畫僅為繪晝的亞流,而形成目前國內版畫藝術停滯的主因.其實版晝如同一般造形藝術,僅是表現的一手段,但有輕易操縱,便於製作的優點,而適合廣大群衆的製作欣賞.尤其今日科學的日新月異、突飛猛進,有助於推動其技術上的種種改革及演進,使美術家能經常獲得印刷技師們的協助,以製版印刷,自可不必遵循傳統的舊套而停滯於固定的觀念以至固步自封,且必有更豐碩而自由的發展與結果.所以要開拓版畫的領域,提高版畫藝術的水準,只有趕緊設立版晝中心或工作室,提供場所,以為技術之研討及製作.同時設法舉辦國際性版畫展,增加美術家們的桿相互觀摩及一般人 的欣賞機曾.這樣,版畫藝術方有生機茁長的希望!Understand the types of art, connotation, principles, character and comparative performance characteristics of the art, basic techniques, and fusion application with artistic expression. Many artists are interested in painting art, but they are not very troublesome. There will be trials, and at the same time, many people still believe that the version is only a stream of painting, which has formed the main reason for the suspension of domestic version art. In fact, the version is like ordinary shaping art, just a means of expression, but it is easy to manipulate, which is convenient for the advantages of production and appreciation of a large group of people. In particular, today's rapid and rapid progress in science will help promote its technological reforms and evolution, so that artists can often get prints. The help of brushing technicians, printing with plate printing, does not have to follow the traditional old set and stop the fixed concept and be self-consistent, and there must be more refined and free development and results. Therefore, to expand the field of plate painting and improve the level of plate painting art, only tightly set up plate centers or studios and provide venues for technical research and production. At the same time, international plate painting exhibitions are set up to increase the poles of artists to watch each other and ordinary people. The appreciation of the art of the art has hope of thriving!

課程概述 Course Description

Cultivate students' understanding of concave and relief drawings, plate making and printing skills.

參考書目 Reference Books

■ 主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks and References) (教科書遵守智慧財產權觀念不得非法影印)
5.Tecnicas del grabado libsa 出版
7.LA GRAVURE ENTAILLE-DOUCE(louis lo mo naco著)
9.版畫 (李延祥著)
10.20世紀版畫藝術史(Riva Castieman 著 張正仁 譯)
12.台灣現代美術大系 現代造形版畫 複合形態版畫。
■ Main reference books/references (Textbooks and References) (Textbooks and References are not illegally photocopying)
1. Edition of Encyclopedia of Painting Techniques (Written by Judy Martin, translated by Zhu Zheliang)
2. Liao Xiuping's painting art
3. Version 1,23
4. Invitation to the exhibition book for Taiwan International Mini Edition
5. Tecnicas del grabado libsa Published
6. Special exhibition book for 300 years of international edition painting
7.LA GRAVURE ENTAILLE-DOUCE (by louis louis mo naco)
8. Qu Jue Black and White-Geya Edition Painting Exhibition
9. Edition (Written by Li Yanxiang)
10.20th Century Edition Painting Art History (Reprinted by Riva Castieman by Zhang Zhengren)
11. Chinese Republic of China International Edition Double Year Exhibition of Paintings Japanese Edition Art Journal (Published by Kawabe)
12. Taiwan's modern aesthetic series, modern shape version, complex shape version.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Work progress to courses
40 上課教學示範必須要到其他請假依校方規定
Product completeness
30 作品必須依製作規定完成
Class service.
30 下課必須清潔完成打掃

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-8534 Print Making (II) / 版畫(二) (美術系3,4,5,授課教師:潘孟堯,一/9,10,11[FA105])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/5,6,7[FA108]
授課教師 Teacher:潘孟堯
修課班級 Class:美術系3,4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 30 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 30 人。

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