course information of 103 - 2 | 2621 Drawing(專題素描)

Taught In English2621 - 專題素描 Drawing

教育目標 Course Target

發展素描做為創作的可能性,並從中認識表現的形式、媒材與創作的原質性,產生認識自我提問等議題。 藉人體素描表現的形式,發展的面相,從中誘發未來創作延伸的廣度,以及對於媒材的應用與倫理。Develop the possibility of sketching as creation, and recognize the form, media and the originality of the creation from it, resulting in questions such as cognitive self-questioning. Through the form of human sketching, the development face is revealed, and the extension of future creation, as well as the application and ethics of media.

參考書目 Reference Books

Michel Foucault,《外邊思維》,洪維信譯,台北:行人/2003
Roland Barthes,《明室》,許綺玲譯,台北:台灣攝影/1997
Milan Kundera,《簾幕》,翁德明譯,台北:皇冠文化/2005
James Lord,《未完成的肖像》,陳靜芳譯,台北:允晨文化/2001
Alain de Botton,《旅行的藝術》,台北:先覺/2002
Albert Camus,《異鄉人》,莫渝譯,台北:新潮文庫/1982

Michel Foucault, "Outside Thoughts", Hong Weixin Translation, Taipei: Pedestrian/2003
G.CarlJung, "Man and His Symbols - The Summary of the Essence of Jung's Thoughts", Translation of the King of the King, Taipei: Licheng Culture/1999
Walter Benjamin, "Emergency to the Era of the Descent of Spirit", translated by Zhu Ling, Taipei: Taiwan Photography/1998
Roland Barthes, "Ming Shi", translated by Xu Ling, Taipei: Taiwan Photography/1997
Milan Kundera, "The Story of the Palace", Weng Deming, Taipei: Crown Culture/2005
James Lord, "Unfinished Portrait", translated by Chen Jingfang, Taipei: Yunchen Culture/2001
Alain de Botton, "The Art of Travel", Taipei: First View/2002
Albert Camus, "The Legend of the Country", Mo Yulu, Taipei: Xinchao Library/1982

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Absent usually
30 未出席達3次扣考,如特殊情況再研議視之。
Midterm evaluation
30 實作作品
Final evaluation
40 實作作品20% 文字報告20%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[FA101]
授課教師 Teacher:林文海/張守為
修課班級 Class:美術系2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 58 人。

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