course information of 103 - 2 | 2287 Social Assistance and Social Work(社會救助與社會工作)

Taught In English2287 - 社會救助與社會工作 Social Assistance and Social Work

教育目標 Course Target

一、瞭解貧窮以及問題背景與現況、脫貧的理論 二、瞭解國內外社會救助的發展;貧窮家庭衍生的問題與需求 三、瞭解國內社會救助政策與實務、脫貧理論 四、經由國內輔導貧窮家庭各項福利、救助與方案說明,作為實務工作者從事貧窮家庭輔導與資源運用的專業基礎 五、經由實例之操作,累積輔導貧窮家庭專業技巧與反思社會工作者角色與功能1. Understand the theory of confusion and problem background and current situation and degradation 2. Understand the development of social assistance at home and abroad; problems and needs derived from private families 3. Understand the domestic social assistance policies and practices, and dismissals. 4. According to the various welfare, assistance and plans of domestic families, as a professional foundation for practical workers to engage in the use of domestic families and resources. 5. Based on the examples, accumulate professional skills of the family and reflect on the role and functions of social workers.

課程概述 Course Description

社會救助和社會工作實務緊是密的,社會工作者接觸到的家庭陷入貧窮危機的比比皆是,社會工作者所擬定處遇計畫很難離開經濟扶助。因此,瞭解社會救助成為必修的基本科目,因為社會工作者,必須有基本辨識資源的能力,瞭解誰該得到救助?得到什麼?為何必須具備這個條件?標準為何是這樣制定的?哪些救助政策或方案,是如何用來服務案主。 因此,本課程除幫助學生瞭解貧窮成因與需求、社會救助政策、社會工者的助人理念、脫貧理論外,還包含社會救助政策在實務中運用、分析、討論等,讓學生從課程中所學習到的知識和技能,在未來成為社會工作者時,可以順利將學到的知識與技能,轉換到實務,亦可在執行各項救助時,發現不合時宜或窒礙難行的政策時,可提出倡議、參與政策之制、修訂。
Social assistance and social work are intact. There are many families that social workers come into contact with insecurity. It is difficult for social workers to plan to open economic assistance. Therefore, understanding social assistance has become a necessary basic subject, because social workers must have the ability to basicly identify resources and understand who should be rescued? What to get? Why do you have to have this condition? Why is the standard set like this? What relief policies or plans are used to serve clients. Therefore, in addition to helping students understand the causes and needs of poverty, social assistance policies, social workers’ helping ideas and disposal discussions, this course also includes the application, analysis, discussion of social assistance policies in practice, etc., so that students can learn from the course Knowledge and skills, when becoming a social worker in the future, you can successfully convert the knowledge and skills you have learned into practice, or when you find inappropriate or difficult policies when implementing various assistance, you can propose suggestions, participate in the policy system, and revision.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Wang Huan (2007). Indulgent, cultural and social work. Taipei: Hong Ye.
2. Xie Xiufen, Li Shurong, Wang Xiuyan, Huang Shenggui, Liu Ying (2012). Family and social work. Taipei: Editorial seal from National Aerial University.
3. Social Assistance Law
4. Other Chinese and English journal articles and information will be supplemented at any time in the classroom according to the progress.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular and attending events
Classroom Head Report and Final Report
Midterm exam
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[C112]
授課教師 Teacher:王秀燕
修課班級 Class:社工系4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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