course information of 103 - 2 | 2283 Disability & Social Work(身心障礙者與社會工作)

Taught In English2283 - 身心障礙者與社會工作 Disability & Social Work

教育目標 Course Target

1.概念與理論:認識障礙的概念變遷,探討障礙者在社會環境中如何被定位以及社會障礙如何形成,進而建構從事身心障礙服務的基本知能與理論基礎。 2.政策與實務:理解政策與實務上的操作化;從醫療與健康照護、就業、福利、社區居住與照顧等實務面向探討障礙者的需求、培養障礙服務領域的專業能力。 3.體驗與服務:設計體驗學習與專題報告,並結合實務參訪與服務,開啟學生在障礙服務領域上的實務接觸與主動學習,瞭解障礙實務領域的運作。1. Concept and theory: The conceptual change of cognitive disorders, explores how disabilities are positioned in the social environment and how social disorders are formed, and thus constructs basic knowledge and theoretical foundations for physical and mental disability services. 2. Policy and practice: Understand the operationalization of policy and practice; explore the needs of disabilities from medical and health care, employment, welfare, community residence and care and cultivate professional abilities in the field of disability services. 3. Experience and Service: Design experience learning and topic reporting, and combine practical access and services to start students' practical contact and active learning in the field of barrier services, and understand the operations of the field of barriers.

課程概述 Course Description

This is a basic course that introduces and explores the social work of people with physical and mental disabilities. This course will gradually guide students to think about the multi-level meaning of "obstruction" under the social construction from the historical culture of obstacles, concepts, theory and exploration of the new ICF system. This course also briefly introduces the characteristics of different disorders, and then explores and talks about the relevant policy planning and service delivery from the medical and health care, employment, welfare, community care, social participation and other practical aspects of the disabled. In addition to course teaching, in terms of teaching strategies, this course also combines videos, experience learning, student topic discussions and reports, etc., to connect with practical work and enhance learning effects.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.王國羽、林昭吟、張恆豪主編(2012)。 障礙研究:理論與政策應用。 台北:巨流圖書公司。
2.Mackelprage, R. W. & Salsgiver, R. O. (2009) Disability: A Diversity Model Approach in Human
Service Practice. (2nd Edition) Wadworth Publishing Company.
3.吳秀照(2007) 身心障礙者的就業需求與就業政策。 台北:雙葉書廊。
4.Oliver, M. & Sapey, B.著,葉秀珊、陳汝君譯(2004) 失能、障礙、殘障:身心障礙者社會工作的省思。
5.Carlson, H. & Carlson, D.著,呂偉白、林志堅、任麗華、邱滿英等譯(2002) 六個朋友:認識六大身心障
礙類別。 台北:洪葉文化。
1.Editors by Wang Guoyu, Lin Zhaoyin, and Zhang Henghao (2012). Barrier research: theoretical and policy application. Taipei: Juliu Book Company.
2.Mackelprage, R. W. & Salsgiver, R. O. (2009) Disability: A Diversity Model Approach in Human
Service Practice. (2nd Edition) Wadworth Publishing Company.
3. Wu Xiuzhao (2007) Employment needs and employment policies for people with physical and mental disabilities. Taipei: Double Leaf Library.
4. Oliver, M. & Sapey, B., Ye Xiushan, Chen Rujun Lu (2004) Disability, Disability, Disability: Reflection on social work for people with physical and mental disabilities.
Taipei: Psychological Publishing House.
5. Written by Carlson, H. & Carlson, D., translated by Lu Weibai, Lin Zhi-hsien, Ren Lihua, Qiu Moying and others (2002) Six friends: Understanding the Six Major Physical and Mind Disorders
Abnormal category. Taipei: Hongye Culture.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Small group of obstacles and obstacle experience activities
25 (口頭報告分享10%,體驗活動及討論等15%)
Midterm exam
Final exam
Final period written report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[SS212]
授課教師 Teacher:吳秀照
修課班級 Class:社工系3
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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