course information of 103 - 2 | 2281 Social Work with the Elderly(老人與社會工作)

Taught In English2281 - 老人與社會工作 Social Work with the Elderly

教育目標 Course Target

In accordance with welfare policies and service programs to elders, this course aims to: (1) examine the interaction among biological, physiological, psychological-emotional-mental perspectives and demographic factors that affect the well-being of elders; (2) identify and provide an understanding of specific issues, problems and needs that are of greatest hardship to elders; (3) review the current social service programs for improving and intervening the consequences of aging; (4) review concurrent social welfare policies for elders as it impacts; (5) examine the applicable interventive strategies and approaches that facilitate social-cultural-human services to working with elders.In accordance with welfare policies and service programs to elders, this course aims to: (1) examining the interaction among biological, physical, psychological-emotional-mental perspectives and demographic factors that affect the well-being of elders; (2) identify and provide an understanding of specific issues, problems and needs that are of greatest hardship to elders; (3) review the current social service programs for improving and intervening the consequences of aging; (4) review concurrent social welfare policies for elders as it impacts; (5) examine the applicable interventive strategies and approaches that facilitate social-cultural-human services to working with elders.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is designed to prepare undergraduate students to familiar with the context and process of aging, and become competent in dealing with and assisting older persons through service practice-health care-social work professional dimensions. That is, to enable students to engage issues, problems and needs resolution of elders by applying relevant professional expertise and strategy in compliance with social welfare policies and social service programs.
This course is designed to prepare undergraduate students to familiar with the context and process of aging, and becomes compete in dealing with and assisting older persons through service practice-health care-social work professional dimensions. That is, to enable students to engage issues, problems and needs resolution of elders by applying relevant professional expertise and strategy in compliance with social welfare policies and social service programs.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) 呂寶靜(2012)。老人福利服務。台北:五南。
(2) 楊培珊、梅陳玉嬋(2011)。台灣老人社會工作:理論與實務(二版)。台北:
(3) 戴章洲、吳正華(2009)。老人福利。台北:心理。
(4) Handouts and relevant text materials as needed will be announced in
the class.
(1) The treasure of the treasure (2012). Elderly welfare services. Taipei: Wunan.
(2) Yang Peishan and Mei Chen Yujia (2011). Social work for the elderly in Taiwan: Theory and practice (second edition). Taipei:
Double leaf.
(3) Dai Zhangzhou and Wu Zhenghua (2009). Welfare for the elderly. Taipei: Psychology.
(4) Handouts and relevant text materials as needed will be announced in
the class.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class participation & Regular attendanceClass participation & Regular attendance
class participation & regular attendance
20 平常學習考核
Written assignmentsWritten assignments
written assignments
20 參觀學習、實務體驗
Mid-term examinationMid-term examination
mid-term examination
30 期中考
Final Group AssignmentFinal Group Assignment
Final group assignment
30 期末考

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[SS213]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡啟源/邱怡玟/陳曉茵
修課班級 Class:社工系3
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 57 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 57 人。

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