course information of 103 - 2 | 2279 Children, Youth and Social Work(兒童青少年與社會工作)

Taught In English2279 - 兒童青少年與社會工作 Children, Youth and Social Work

教育目標 Course Target

1.認知面:[使學生理解、應用、分析、綜合、比較、推論、評估本課程之理論與概念]:(1)使學生能理解、應用、分析、綜合、比較、推論台灣兒童及青少年客觀生活處境及問題 (2)使學生能理解兒童權利概念的緣起、內容、論述與發展 2.技能面[使學生能獲得運用與實做本課程理論與概念之技巧]:(1)使學生能掌握我國兒童及青少年福利政策、法規與行政體系 (2)使學生能掌握各種兒童及青少年福利服務措施等實務及專業技術 3.情意面[能引發學生對本課程之興趣,激發學生學習動機,增加觸類旁通與自主學習] 激發學生對兒童及青少年少年權利議題的關注以及兒少福利實踐方法的興趣。1. Knowledge: [Let students understand, apply, analyze, integrate, compare, recommend, evaluate theories and concepts of this course]: (1) Enable students to understand, apply, analyze, integrate, compare, recommend the living conditions and problems of Taiwanese children and teenagers in Taiwan (2) Enable students to understand the emergence, content, discussion and development of the concept of child rights 2. Skills [enable students to obtain skills to use and implement the theory and concepts of this course]: (1) Enable students to master the welfare policies, laws and administrative systems of our country (2) Enable students to master various welfare service measures for children and youth, such as practical and professional technologies. 3. Love paradise [can arouse students' interest in this course, stimulate students' learning motors, increase touch bypass and independent learning] stimulate students' interest in the rights issues of children and teenagers and teenagers and their interest in the practical methods of welfare.

課程概述 Course Description

透過相關理論與實務的討論引導學生認識兒童與青少年社會工作的內涵,並以少權益福祉面向(Convention on the right of children: CRC)為框架、兒少生命週期發展特質在一般性與特殊性需求為基礎,學習臨床服務的核心架構與技巧運用。 藉由不同面向的兒少福祉需求探討,學習兒童與青少年問題的處遇以及相關資源的運用。 1.知識之建構與學習—以系統化的方式,將兒少政策與服務的基本概念和內涵分為三大主題進行介紹,引導學生認識兒少福利的發展脈絡、理論取向與服務模式,以培養學生與兒童與青少年工作的基礎能力。 2.實務與相關議題探討—關切兒少福利相關之議題,以專題討論的方式,分析當代兒童少年新興議題,使學生能夠思考兒童少年的福利需求,並有能力進行政策反思與政策倡導。 3.價值澄清與探索—提出兒少福利相關之案例,讓學生透過團體討論及思辯,來瞭解兒童與青少年做為完整個體之權利。
Through discussions on related theory and practice, students are guided to understand the connotation of social work for children and adolescents, and to use the Convention on the right of children: CRC as the framework and the development characteristics of life cycle development based on general and specific needs, and to learn the core structure and skills of clinical services. Through different targeted welfare needs, learn the encounters between children and adolescent problems and the use of related resources. 1. Constructing and learning of knowledge—In a systematic way, the basic concepts and connotations of low-level policies and services are introduced into three major topics, guiding students to understand the development structure, theoretical orientation and service model of low-level welfare, so as to cultivate students' basic abilities in work, children and adolescents. 2. Discussion on practical and related issues—About issues related to minor welfare, analyze the new issues of contemporary children and adolescents through special discussions, so that students can think about the welfare needs of children and adolescents, and have the ability to carry out policy reflection and policy advocacy. 3. Value clarification and exploration - propose cases related to seldom benefits, so that students can understand the rights of children and teenagers to be a complete individual through group discussions and thoughts.

參考書目 Reference Books

I 彭淑華等著(2008)。《兒童福利:理論與實務》。台北:華都文化。
吳書昀(2010)。〈甜蜜的負荷外一章:兒童少年家庭照顧者的生活境遇與福利建構〉,《臺大社會工作學刊》,21: 155-192。
I Peng Shuhua et al. (2008). "Child Welfare: Theory and Practice". Taipei: Huadu culture.
II Huang Wei and Gu Hui-mai (2006). "Children's Social Work Practice". Taipei: Learning Rich
Lin Bingqin (2014). The impact of family structure and family atmosphere on the welfare of weak economics. Jingpian Social Journal, 8 (1), 263-294.
Zhan Huijun (2012). 〈A preliminary study on the reasons for the end of the recovery of our country - Taking the analysis of the judgment of the 1997-98th District Court of the Republic of China as an example〉. Proficiency essay from the Institute of Social Work, Dongwu University.
Li Minyu, Zhao Shanru (2009). 〈Types of family risk generation and influencing factors for children and adolescents with high risk〉, "Tongwu Social Work Report", 20:63-93.
Wu Shuyun (2010). "Sweet Lotus Chapter: Living Situation and Welfare Construction of Children and Young Family Caregivers", "Taiwan University Social Work Journal", 21: 155-192.
Lin Bingqin (2012). The design of the self-reliance plan for young people is discussed from the concepts of "independent" and "pan-family" of the Chinese society. Jingpian Social Journal, 6 (1), 227-270.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final exam
35 上半部課程以兒少福利相關概念與理論基礎知識瞭解為主。選擇題50%、問答題20%以及申論題30%。
Final exam
35 以相關兒少福祉落實於實務時的實踐作法理解。選擇題50%、問答題20%以及申論題30%。
Case Report
30 分組報告請進行專題簡報,並請每位同學繳交2頁以內之心得報告。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/10,11,12[L112]
授課教師 Teacher:林秉賢
修課班級 Class:社工系2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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