course information of 103 - 2 | 2273 Social Programs and Social Work(社會問題與社會工作)

Taught In English2273 - 社會問題與社會工作 Social Programs and Social Work

教育目標 Course Target

台灣社會原本就到處都黑,聯合報選出103年的代表自就是「黑」。政治黑(看看立法院)、企業黑(有多少黑心商人),結合成「黑金體制」,主導台灣的發展。媒體愈來愈向黑金傾斜,文人辦報走入歷史,商人與黑道投身媒體,許多媒體不再有讀書人的深度,充斥著裸體與屍體,對色情與兇殺新聞的報導詳盡。暴力、販毒、小三、抓猴、虐待、疏忽…,天天見報,又是電視新聞的重點。很多人都討厭這些現象,因此不看報紙、不看電視新聞、不談社會議題。但,這樣的心態對社工系學生是不宜的,需認識與靠近「有問題的人」、「處在困境中的家庭」、「陷入掙扎與風險的群體」。近年,我帶領一些夥伴服務街友、低收入戶、身心障礙者、家暴受虐者、藥癮患者…,在課堂中依序說明。 一個社會現象被認定為社會問題,有四個條件:1.違反規範:這個現象違背了某些公認為(或至少有一部分認為)良好的社會規範或價值,或觸犯了某些人的利益。2.普遍存在:這個現象為大多數人認為是普遍存在於社會結構中的問題,且其嚴重性持續一段相當長的時間,可能對許多人產生不利的影響。3.眾人職責: 在大多數的情形下,這個現象的發生並非由個人或少數人所能負責的。4.集體因應:對此現象,人們有加以改進或去除的意願,並相信有可以改進或去除的可能。但是改進或去除也不是一個人或少數人可以做到的,必須透過某種集體行動的方式才可能達成。   對於社會問題,有四個重要面向,需先加以掌握,進而有效因應: 1.事實瞭解──發生了什麼事?情況究竟如何?(What has happened?)---要瞭解和掌握每問題的真正情況。 2.原因分析──為什麼會發生?(Why it has happened?)---從各種理論中探究原因。 3.實際面對──對這個情況,我們可以做什麼?(What can be done about it?)---從過去的經驗及處理手段中,想出實際的方法。 4.未來預測──基於前三者,對未來可能出現的問題及對策有所預估(Under what circumstance similar events are likely to happen in the future?)---由歷史經驗、其他國家或社會發展過程和學理中考慮未來性。Taiwanese society is full of black people, and the representative elected by United Daily News for 103 years is naturally "black". Political gangsters (just look at the Legislative Yuan) and corporate gangsters (how many shady businessmen there are) combine to form a "black gold system" that dominates Taiwan's development. The media is increasingly tilted towards black gold. Newspapers run by literati have gone into history, and businessmen and gangsters have joined the media. Many media no longer have the depth of scholars, are full of naked bodies and corpses, and report in detail on pornography and murder news. Violence, drug trafficking, mistresses, monkey catching, abuse, neglect... are reported in the newspapers every day and are the focus of TV news. Many people hate these phenomena, so they don't read newspapers, watch TV news, or talk about social issues. However, this kind of mentality is not suitable for social work students. They need to get to know and get close to "people with problems", "families in trouble", and "groups in struggle and risk". In recent years, I have led some partners to serve homeless people, low-income households, people with physical and mental disabilities, victims of domestic violence, drug addicts... I will explain them in sequence in class. There are four conditions for a social phenomenon to be recognized as a social problem: 1. Violation of norms: This phenomenon violates certain social norms or values ​​that are generally considered (or at least partially considered) good, or offends the interests of certain people. 2. Ubiquitous: This phenomenon is considered by most people to be a common problem in the social structure, and its severity lasts for a long period of time and may have an adverse impact on many people. 3. Everyone’s responsibilities: In most cases, the occurrence of this phenomenon is not the responsibility of one person or a few people. 4. Collective response: People are willing to improve or eliminate this phenomenon and believe that it is possible to improve or eliminate it. However, improvement or removal cannot be achieved by one person or a few people. It must be achieved through some kind of collective action. Regarding social issues, there are four important aspects that need to be mastered first and then effectively responded to: 1. Understanding the facts──What happened? What is the situation? (What has happened?) --- Understand and grasp the true situation of each problem. 2.Cause analysis─Why does it happen? (Why it has happened?) --- Explore the reasons from various theories. 3. Face it realistically—what can we do about this situation? (What can be done about it?) --- Come up with practical methods based on past experiences and handling methods. 4. Future prediction - based on the first three, prediction of possible problems and countermeasures in the future (Under what similar circumstances events are likely to happen in the future?) - based on historical experience, other countries or social development Consider futurity in process and scholarship.

課程概述 Course Description

社會問題的本質是「社會的」,也是「問題的」,本課程從鉅視面思考,希望能協助學生懂得如何對台灣社會問題有「事實瞭解」,基於理論有「原因分析」,並且偏重社會工作部分「實際面對」。 課程看重結構性的社會問題,掌握這一點是進行社會問題認識和分析的第一個起點。本課程對於「社會問題」的部分有四個核心問題需要討論:第一,什麼是社會問題?第二,是什麼將一個問題變成「社會(性)問題」?第三,社會問題的成因是什麼?第四,針對社會問題,人們可以有何作為?社會工作則是著重在瞭解社會問題之後如何應用社會工作知能和方法於各個實務工作場域。 因此,培養學生敏銳觀察分析社會問題的能力及學習將之運用於社會工作實務上,是本課程的期許和目標。
The essence of social problems is "social" and "problematic." This course thinks from a macro perspective, hoping to help students understand how to have a "factual understanding" of Taiwan's social problems, and to conduct "cause analysis" based on theory, and it focuses on The social work component is "practical". The course focuses on structural social issues, and mastering this is the first starting point for understanding and analyzing social issues. There are four core issues that need to be discussed in the "Social Issues" part of this course: First, what are social issues? Second, what turns a problem into a "social (sexual) problem"? Third, what are the causes of social problems? Fourth, what can people do to address social problems? Social work focuses on how to apply social work knowledge and methods to various practical work fields after understanding social problems. Therefore, it is the expectation and goal of this course to cultivate students' ability to keenly observe and analyze social problems and learn to apply them in social work practice.

參考書目 Reference Books

Peng Huaizhen (2013) Social Issues. Taipei: Hongye.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Assignment 1
25 我故鄉的社會問題
Assignment 2
25 2. 社工五大領域(醫療:心理衛生與精神醫療;兒童、少年、婦女與家庭;身心障礙;老人)之中,自己最關心的那一領域,以及相關的社會問題分析
Homework 3
25 自身經歷到的社會問題類型及可以獲得的資源分析
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[SS101]
授課教師 Teacher:彭懷真
修課班級 Class:社工系1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 120 人。

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