1.訓練學生具備設計、執行、評估社會福利服務方案的專業能力 2.培養學生具備領導、組織、協調、尋求社會資源、積極主動解決各種問題的專業能力與精神 3.提供學生反思、整合、演練在校所學各種能力的場域與機會1. Train students to have the professional ability to design, implement, and evaluate social welfare service plans 2. Train students to have the professional ability and spirit to lead, organize, coordinate, seek social resources, and proactively solve various problems 3. Provide students with reflection, integration, and Fields and opportunities to practice various abilities learned in school
Translated by Gao Dili and You Xingling. Social Work Practicum-Student Guidebook. TWO LEAF BOOKS LIMITED.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
督導會議出席情形督導會議出席情形 Attendance at supervision meetings |
25 | |
體參與及合作表現體參與及合作表現 Participation and cooperation |
5 | |
團體角色與任務執行之主動性團體角色與任務執行之主動性 Group roles and initiative in task execution |
25 | |
各項作業要求之完成情況各項作業要求之完成情況 Completion status of various job requirements |
5 |