五、協助學生選擇適合自己的實習機構,為機構實習作好準備。(經由:社會問題簡報、實習機構參訪)1. Enhance students’ understanding and care for people and the social environment. (Via: Institutional Visits, Internship Special Topics)
2. Develop students’ self-awareness in professional and practical work.
3. Guide students to have the preliminary ability to understand social welfare institutions and social work practices.
4. Cultivate students’ basic helping skills.
5. Assist students to choose internship institutions that suit them and prepare for institutional internships. (Via: Social Issues Briefing, Internship Organization Visit)
1. Enhance students’ understanding and care for society.
2. Develop students’ self-awareness and promote self-understanding.
3. Guide students to have the preliminary ability to understand social welfare institutions and social work practices.
4. Cultivate students’ basic helping skills.
5. Assist students to choose internship institutions that suit them and prepare for institutional internships.
1. 謝秀芬(2006)社會個案工作-理論與技巧。台北:雙葉。
2. 黃惠惠(2005)助人歷程與技巧。台北:張老師。
3. 高迪理、尤幸玲譯(2003)社會工作實習:學生指引手冊。台北:雙葉。
4. 林美珠、田秀蘭合譯(2006)助人技巧。台北:學富出版社。
1. Xie Xiufen (2006) Social Casework-Theories and Techniques. Taipei: Futaba.
2. Huang Huihui (2005) The process and skills of helping others. Taipei: Mr. Zhang.
3. Translated by Gao Dili and You Xingling (2003) Social Work Internship: Student Guidebook. Taipei: Futaba.
4. Co-translated by Lin Meizhu and Tian Xiulan (2006) Helping Skills. Taipei: Xuefu Publishing House.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
學期課堂表現學期課堂表現 Semester classroom performance |
25 | 1.出席情形2.發問表達的參與度3.出席5月方案發表及撰寫心得,於參加後下週上課時繳交心得4.實習週誌 |
作業一:生命史的探索練習作業一:生命史的探索練習 Assignment 1: Life history exploration exercise |
15 | 請在東海生活圈找到一位店家老闆,或找一位親友長輩,徵得他或她的同意(知情同意)訪問了解其成長史,並發掘他的特點與優勢。【4/29交】 |
作業二:興趣主題的新聞蒐集作業二:興趣主題的新聞蒐集 Assignment 2: News collection on topics of interest |
15 | 興趣主題的分析:涉及的政策立法、相關理論、社工的服務角色。【4/29、5/6、5/27各繳交一份】 |
作業二:環境觀察報告與拍攝作業二:環境觀察報告與拍攝 Assignment 2: Environmental observation report and photography |
15 | 1.環境觀察報告:觀察並提出分析假設(8%)【3/6觀察、3/13繳交】2.影片拍攝:拍攝影片2-3分鐘,內容包含街景及室內空間印象(7%)【3/27繳交】 |