什麼是社會工作?這是所有社會工作實務工作者、學習者、乃至教育者的不斷追問。在大學第一年裡,我們將要針對這個問題,進行概論性的介紹。它主要包括社會工作的意義與緣起、社會工作專業化的歷程、社會工作專業所涉及的價值與倫理、社會工作主要的服務方法、以及針對不同人口群的實務處遇方法等內容。透過這些內容的引介,我們期望可以引發社會工作新生的熱忱與興趣、培養同學由社會工作角度關切社會問題的能力與態度,以便為日後的學習作好初步的準備What is social work? This is the constant pursuit of all social work practical workers, learners, and even educators. In our first year of college, we will give a general introduction to this problem. It mainly includes the meaning and development of social work, the process of professionalization of social work, the value and ethics involved in social work, the main service methods of social work, and the practical encounter methods for different population groups. Through the introduction of these contents, we hope to attract the enthusiasm and interest of new students in social work and cultivate the ability and attitude of students to pay attention to social problems from the perspective of social work, so as to make preliminary preparations for future learning.
張英陣等譯(Dubios, B., Miley, K. K. 合著)(2011)。社會工作概論。台北:雙葉。
Self-edited speech
Translation of Zhang Yingyan et al. (co-authored by Dubios, B., Miley, K. K.) (2011). Social work overview. Taipei: Double Leaf.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
10 | |
課外作業課外作業 Extra-course work |
30 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 |