著眼於上述,本課程依著三個主題,簡介文化概念與現代社會之間的關係:一、於應對通俗文化的歷史轉變過程之中,文化現象如何被概念化?二、如果文化現象具有相對自主且特殊之運作邏輯,那麼何謂文化現象所相應的承載者、技藝與場域究竟指涉何物。三、當日常生活成為文化現象所立基的社會場景,日常生活之中的瑣碎事物如何揭露出文化操作、文化競爭的若干跡証?Culture, such as religion or morality, has long been regarded as a social phenomenon without a specific system or structure. Because of this, in modern society, cultural phenomena have an indistinguishable relationship with class, status, economy, and even social organization. A certain kind of economic or social determinism has become an unspeakable secret in past research. However, after the 1980s, special times and historical changes caused the old social system to collapse, and the deep-rooted analytical framework experienced an unsustainable dilemma. Concepts such as class, status and economic capital have gradually disappeared from the study of cultural analysis. Here, culture seems to have the possibility of rebirth. However, this new opportunity has revealed two issues that have been ignored by people in the past:
First, even if the cultural concept has a long historical origin, the social changes it has gone through are quite complicated. However, the cultural concept we often use and discuss today may not be as long as imagined. Although the social and historical background it involves is It is cumbersome and complicated, but it is a relevant context but may not involve the original predetermined rationale. It can be said that dealing with the cultural forms of the common people and defining the cultural forms of the common people are the real origins of cultural problems in modern society. Therefore, in line with the changes in folk culture and popular cultural practice, cultural research appeared in modern academies.
Secondly, throughout the long history of the West (and even non-Western history), power, money and culture have always been closely linked. The rationalization and systematization of culture itself predates social phenomena such as power and money. Therefore, when we try to re-examine the special logic of cultural phenomena, it seems that the analysis methods behind class and class cannot truly guide us to glimpse the secrets of culture. How to conduct cultural research is a question that requires serious consideration.
In addition to the above two issues that are often ignored by people, when we more carefully examine the historical and social changes that cultural phenomena have gone through, we can find that cultural concepts or cultural phenomena often seem to show a An inevitable and dialectical relationship (regardless of whether this inevitable and dialectical relationship is positioned in the process of standardization or sublimation). In other words, guiding people through the total pain and pleasure experiences caused by life and death, love, evil, and desire may be the true spirit of cultural phenomena. Therefore, the role/effect of culture is always classified as social activities with education, socialization and refinement. However, does the above view oversimplify and narrow the complexity and struggle attributes that cultural phenomena can present?
Focusing on the above, this course introduces the relationship between cultural concepts and modern society based on three themes: 1. How are cultural phenomena conceptualized in response to the historical transformation of popular culture? 2. If cultural phenomena have relatively independent and special operational logic, then what exactly does the corresponding carrier, technique and field of cultural phenomena refer to? 3. When daily life becomes the social scene on which cultural phenomena are based, how do the trivial things in daily life reveal some evidence of cultural manipulation and cultural competition?
Ranciere, Jacques (1989) The Nights of Labor: The Workers Dream in Nineteenth-Century France, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Hell, Victor. (1988). 文化概念. 康新文, 曉文譯. 上海人民。
Arnold, Matthew. (1867/2002)文化與無政府狀態. 韓敏中譯. 北京:三聯書店。
Tylor, Edward Burnett.(1871/2004)原始文化. 桂林:廣西師範大學。
Marx, Karl. (1845)德意志意識型態,馬克思恩格斯全集第3卷。
Durkheim, Emile. and Marcel Mauss (1903/2005) 原始分類.上海人民出版社。
Freud, Sigmund. (1929/2003) 文明及其不滿.收錄於一種幻想的未來及文明及其不滿.河北教育出版社。
Eliot, T. S.(1994) 傳統與個人才能;批評的功能。選自艾略特文學論文集。
Lukacs (1923)歷史與階級意識.商務出版社。
Gramsci (1929-1935)獄中雜記.人民出版社。
Benjamin, Walter. (1936/2001) 機械複製時代的藝術作品,中國城市出版社。
Adorno, Theodor. and Max Horkheimer. (1944/2006) 啟蒙辯證法 上海人民出版社。
Williams, Raymond. (1958/1991)文化與社會 1780-1950.北京大學出版社。
Thompson, E. P. (2002) 共有的習慣. 上海人民出版社。
Hebdige, Dick. (1979/2009). 亞文化 風格的意義. 北京大學出版社。
Lamont, Michele(編)比較文化社會學的再思考. 中華書局。
Elias, Norbert.臨終者的孤寂. 群學出版社。
Bourdieu, Pierre. (2001) 藝術的法則——文學場的生成和結構.中央編譯出版社。
Bauman, Z. (2001) 立法者與闡釋者.上海人民出版社。
Ranciere, Jacques (1989) The Nights of Labor: The Workers Dream in Nineteenth-Century France, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Hell, Victor. (1988). The Concept of Culture. Translated by Kang Xinwen and Xiaowen. Shanghai People.
Arnold, Matthew. (1867/2002) Culture and Anarchy. Translated by Han Min. Beijing: Sanlian Bookstore.
Tylor, Edward Burnett. (1871/2004) Primitive Culture. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University.
Marx, Karl. (1845) The German Ideology, The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3.
Durkheim, Emile. and Marcel Mauss (1903/2005) Original classification. Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Freud, Sigmund. (1929/2003) Civilization and its Discontents. Collected in An Imaginary Future and Civilization and its Discontents. Hebei Education Press.
Eliot, T. S. (1994) Tradition and individual talent; the function of criticism. Selected from Eliot's Literary Essays.
Lukacs (1923) History and Class Consciousness. Business Press.
Gramsci (1929-1935) Prison Miscellanies. People's Publishing House.
Benjamin, Walter. (1936/2001) Works of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, China City Press.
Adorno, Theodor. and Max Horkheimer. (1944/2006) Dialectics of Enlightenment, Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Williams, Raymond. (1958/1991) Culture and Society 1780-1950. Peking University Press.
Thompson, E. P. (2002) Shared Habits. Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Hebdige, Dick. (1979/2009). Subculture The Meaning of Style. Peking University Press.
Lamont, Michele (ed.) Rethinking Comparative Cultural Sociology. Zhonghua Book Company.
Elias, Norbert. The loneliness of the dying. Qunxue Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre. (2001) The Laws of Art—The Generation and Structure of the Literary Field. Central Compilation and Compilation Press.
Bauman, Z. (2001) Legislators and Interpreters. Shanghai People's Publishing House.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
20 | |
小組報告小組報告 group report |
20 | |
作業作業 Homework |
60 |